Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by dgc1963

  1. D


    Im luck to live only about 1/2 hour from Gettysburg Tam an I go their once or twice a year never get tired of going and still feel reverence standing their what those men And boys went through during those 3 days cant fathom. And the town folk that had several days of pouring rain after the...
  2. D

    Grizzlies in the Bighorns

    I watched a video of a house member I believe he was from Montanna asking the secretary of interior Deb Haaland about the numbers of Grizzly bears The objective number for yellow stone was 500 and out side of yellow stone 800 the numbers now are 900 and 1300 she could not say we reached the...
  3. D

    Looking for paid access in 411 or 535

    lol you got to relax a bit esp being new on here if you can't take a joke maybe try decaf in the future.
  4. D

    Judging size of a bear

    This makes me laugh every time I talk about this subject The reason is I started bear hunting about 15 yrs ago 1st few yrs was with a gun I hunt my home state here in Pa no bait or scents just scouting and we cant spot and stalk to many places it not open enough in the woods So after a few yrs...
  5. D

    Black Bear Attack

    Really !! a woman get attacked by a bear and all I see is people making rude azz comments on her looks and how its her fault not everyone is an out door enthusiast and knows much about bears. Heck most of the hunters here in Pa know much about bears
  6. D

    Utard video

    Seems like so many care more about getting things on video with good light than doing the right thing
  7. D

    Devaluing Non-Residents

    I wonder how much of the dollars go to over blown gov agency's instead of habitat and wildlife management I have no Idea but reading these posts make me wonder and I think most folks would even throw in some extra $ if it was going to directly expand herds I live in Pa and hunt several western...
  8. D

    Idaho hot spots for elk

    When did this start Ive been hunting Idaho for many many yrs and the folks at the FnG have always been very helpful
  9. D

    Archery Equivalent of Long Range Shooting Handbook

    I wouldnt know of a book but I do believe in shooting very often not many arrows though learning to shoot a bow well is the same as everything else if I shot for 50 arrows and let it lay for 2 weeks well I'm back to square 1, watch a few vids on form and start Go out and shoot 10 arrows 4 or 5...
  10. D

    Quietest bow?

    I have a nitrum turbo I think 5 yrs old I don't think its noisy at all but did have new stings and cables put on it last yr that seemed to make it tighter the old ones were close to 1/4 inch stretched
  11. D

    New member from Pa.

    Im in camp hill just up 83 from you
  12. D

    Any plumbers on here

    Im a general contractor and do quite a bit of plumbing
  13. D

    Michigan Elk Hunt

    Love following this congratz to your son this is a lifetime memory. And he's right kids don't shoot elk
  14. D

    300 prc for baited bear

    Im no expert but have taken 3 in Pa with a bow and helped several guys track them you want to take out the lungs for sure they don't go to far with a dbl lung shot all mine were within 50 yrds but the lungs are back further than a deer. It seems like they run until they die and don't stop they...
  15. D

    How to questions

    Theirs lots of folks on here a lot better at elk hunting than I am but here my thoughts I live in Pa and dont hunt elk anything like I hunt deer I move and look for elk wind is everything being quiet isnt you can make some noise If I see an elk I make a plan and go for it unless they are moving...
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