Recent content by devon deer

  1. devon deer

    Favorite Stillwater Flies?

    Damsel/Montana nymphs, buzzers, emergers, beetles, para Adams and G&H Sedge will do for me
  2. devon deer

    Neck shots.

    From memory you shot the roe buck with me with a neck shot?
  3. devon deer

    Neck shots.

    I have never neck shot an Elk, but more deer than I care to remember, I keep it simple, all less than 100 yards, face on or from the rear, never side on, too risky side on, you can just hit the windpipe and it will run off and have a slow death, and you will just think, damn I missed.
  4. devon deer

    Fly Tying/Fishing Thread

    Roman moser balloon caddis
  5. devon deer

    Fly Tying/Fishing Thread

    Almost ran out of these
  6. devon deer

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    The bluebells are just starting to show
  7. devon deer

    Well, it's not good. Not religious but prayers are welcomed.

    So sorry to read this Dave, you were such a devoted husband to Lori.
  8. devon deer

    Tahr Rut Photos

    I'm really getting an itch to visit NZ before I'm too old. Looks amazing Any time of year when I could hunt and fly fish? Thanks Richard
  9. devon deer

    Fly Tying/Fishing Thread

    I had a busy day yesterday, teaching a father and his 2 son's to fly fish, after 3 hours to they had picked up the basics, off came the wool on went the flies.....damn it took a while for me to figure out what they were rising to, the obvious was a huge caddis hatch, but no it was a small olive...
  10. devon deer

    Randy Newberg wins a big award!

    So well deserved Randy, but your wife needs one too 😂
  11. devon deer

    Arizona 5b put up or shutup.

    It is to someone who doesn't have a 'off season', I feel for you all, but it does, as you say, provide entertainment, and has done since I joined over 10 years ago. Not long to go now chaps ;)
  12. devon deer

    How many deer can you kill in your home state?

    As many as I like, and many farms wish I could/would shoot more.
  13. devon deer

    Can you put fish in a pie?

    I have eaten lots, but cooked zero, my 94 year old mother-in-law (or as I have her in my phone on speed dial, monster-in-law, she know's it and likes a joke) makes a lovely pie, she makes it along similar lines of this recipe She uses cod, for the smoked fish its mainly haddock, but sometimes...
  14. devon deer

    How long did it take for your first elk?

    4 visits from England to Montana, 2012 fail, 2014 bull, 2016 fail, 2018 bull, guess I've been very lucky