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Recent content by Bullbrl

  1. B

    Muley Freak in trouble?

    I'd agree with a lot of that but I would have no problem shooting a deer/antelope at 600 yards with a 6cm. Matter of fact I'm building a 6cm right now to do that very thing. 4 days ago I shot a spring bear at 565 with my 6.5-284 with 156 bergers that left a fist sized exit behind the shoulder...
  2. B

    Muley Freak in trouble?

    I don't agree going super small cartridges for big game but there is something to be said about placing bullets where they need to be and smaller cartridges tend to be easier to shoot more accurately and often. I do think many people shoot way bigger cartridges than they need to.
  3. B

    The End

    I asked but didn’t you say you’d rather discuss Trump? “Nah, I'll continue talking about how great your guy is.” So start by telling me how great Biden is doing?
  4. B

    The End

    Reducing transmission and preventing transmission are 2 very different things. His statement is true though. Rachel Maddow in front of the whole world proclaimed on her show, “the vaccine prevents you from getting Covid”….exact quote. That’s misinformation. You seem to gloss over the fact...
  5. B

    The End

    Thought this fit nicely
  6. B

    The End

    Try this then, this has been covered in many podcasts by Berenson himself and in committee testimony. I especially like the line “Hours after Mr. Biden’s comment, Twitter locked Mr. Berenson’s account. The next month Twitter permanently banned Mr. Berenson after he tweeted that mRNA vaccines...
  7. B

    The End
  8. B

    The End

    Berenson was censored on twitter for saying the Covid 19 vaccination did not stop transmission of the virus. That is easily looked up, I’m sure a quick google search will pull it up.
  9. B

    The End

    And also it was found that the information he reported on Twitter was, in fact, proven to be true.....let's not leave that out.
  10. B

    The End

    Let's start talking about the topics affecting this country. How is that Bidenomics going? Are they still using that term, I heard they dumped it? How's the border? I see inflation went back up. Seems some cities are bringing in the NG to help with the crime after the whole defund the police...
  11. B

    The End

    The only advice I'd take from you is how to get banned from forums
  12. B

    The End

    you're correct, not a ruling but we all know what a settlement means.
  13. B

    The End

    What other choice do they have? They can stand on any policies, that's clear.
  14. B

    The End

    So, everything released during the twitter files was bullish*t? The Supreme Court is talking about the censorship again today, btw. Zuckerberg admitted on Rogan that the FBI came to talk with him, and not only that you can read the committee testimony about this. I'm sure you would believe...
  15. B

    The End

    There is a gentleman who is BY FAR the most well versed person in this subject named Mike Benz. He started Foundation for Freedom Online and is absolutely mind blowing to listen to. I can’t remember if I heard him on Lex Friedman, but anyway, he talked for 90 straight minutes about the whole...
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