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Recent content by BrokenArrow

  1. BrokenArrow

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    Creep is real. I settled for a firearm and later season just to get out of the game. I will say it’s relieving. I hope you draw that tag asap
  2. BrokenArrow

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    My elk points went to ZERO! 76, I’m going again! No products updated. Only points updated
  3. BrokenArrow

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    I cast a wide net too. Won’t know til they update the site and then send email like an hour or two later. Typical scenario, but then again I thought we were waiting for elk until tomorrow
  4. BrokenArrow

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    Wouldn’t that be funny if those charges are antelope tags?? Just curious if you all only put in for deer and not an antelope app?
  5. BrokenArrow

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    My $60.05 res bear just got charged
  6. BrokenArrow

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    I’ll look. Edit: just says entered. But $50 is the charge for res PP or weighted PP. And CPW updates the website sometimes before or after the emails have gone out. I’m sure the site will crash from folks logging in
  7. BrokenArrow

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    $50 charge for me. Expected
  8. BrokenArrow

    2024 New Mexico Draw Results

    Supposedly. Creep is getting a lot of talk. Look in the state specific threads for CO on this site. Good discussion there. The last recorded commission meeting had some tech glitches, but I believe is fixed and released in full now. I’ll rewatch it and retract my statement if I heard all that...
  9. BrokenArrow

    2024 New Mexico Draw Results

    You nailed it. While Colorado will keep available enough tags to fulfill everybody’s request (including CPW’s revenue), through the draw. It just won’t be as easy as over-the-counter fallback and you’ll have to put in for Colorado deadline before some other states just to make sure you get a...
  10. BrokenArrow

    2024 New Mexico Draw Results

    I guess I used up all my luck with my AZ pronghorn tag last year. And Gila elk tag the year before. I’m happy I got to experience those hunts. And now it’s another’s turn. I like how NM has no PP or BP system. Use CO as an OTC fallback while you can, that fairly tale has almost ended. Then every...
  11. BrokenArrow

    CO CPW Draw Process Working Group

    Agreed. But at least they’ll be a public record instead of just conjecture flying all over the place.
  12. BrokenArrow

    CO CPW Draw Process Working Group

    @Oak - Would the working group be able to suggest an online public survey pertaining to all/any of the proposed agenda items; just so the public could actually voice their wants? Other than attending commission meetings? - maybe limit the survey to folks with a CID, 😝? - How realistic is it that...
  13. BrokenArrow

    CO CPW Draw Process Working Group

    I am a former ram tag holder. Got sick on day 3 and benched by my doc for the rest of the season. Could not turn in the tag and get points restored. Long story. So what do I do? I do not agree with MSG OIL for residents, even if it included a kill or “non-harvest” component. I do participate in...
  14. BrokenArrow

    Colorado Draw Changes

    I’m curious about what hunt code you’re speaking of. No need to publicly announce it. That would indeed destroy it forever. However, if you’re referring to OTC archery, I will speak about unit 75, 751. The reason that those tags are not taken by residents is because we have seen the decline in...
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