Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Recent content by brocksw

  1. B

    The verdict is in...

    Friends don’t let friends buy evinrudes…
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    Fishery vs. wildlife

    If you read his response to my post, I believe he’s stating that those numbers aren’t straight forward and don’t make that part of the discussion black and white. For example, elk numbers are up significantly. But he stated much of that growth is on private land and/or in the central or...
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    Muley Freak in trouble?

  4. B

    Muley Freak in trouble?

    Sponsored by Nightforce but can’t hunt in the state Nightforce is located in. …priceless
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    Fishery vs. wildlife

    Fair enough.
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    Fishery vs. wildlife

    Roosevelt, Pinchot, Muir, Marshall among others were wealthy individuals. No one would argue they were corrupt, in fact many would say they were some of the founding fathers of modern conservation. But they were civic minded individuals. They held a sense of duty to the places and critters...
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    Fishery vs. wildlife

    Some very good points and perspectives in there. It’s a big issue, with lots of nuance.
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    Fishery vs. wildlife

    I'm totally thinking out loud here, but is there any thought that the commissions deserve a significant role in this blame game? I don't mean that so much as an accusation to any particular commission or commission members, but more so as a long term side effect of a (or multiple)...
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    Fishery vs. wildlife

    Thank you for providing some context.
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    Fishery vs. wildlife

    That could be. The hunting getting worse could be attributed to a lot of things. I know the family friends we have in SE MT have spoken before about the change in leased acres and the inability to hunt land they've hunted historically because of it. And too me, that's what's caused one of the...
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    Fishery vs. wildlife

    May I ask what's gotten worse, outside of the politics? Not trying to play "got ya", just trying to understand your perspective and the metric you're using when you say "worse". Please, correct me if I'm wrong on any these long term population trends. Elk - overall numbers are up since 2000...
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    Bluewing Teal

    In ND we get to hunt these for the beginning portion of the waterfowl season, depending on weather. They are fantastic eating birds if you leave the fat on, its a tasty white fat. Not all of them have enough fat to be pick and sometimes they can be loaded with pin feathers. But a majority can...
  13. B

    Seeking info...school trust land fee states

    You really think that is sound reasoning? That 350 million people should be able go “build a house on it”, willy-nilly, and that is somehow the measurement of ownership at an individual level? My gut tells me you haven’t given this a lot of thought.
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    HB 536 A Step Back on CWD

    Carcasses or parts of the carcass of a possibly infected animal can go to the processor or taxidermist, contaminating along the way. What is the alternative? Idaho can and should work with taxidermists to get tests from animals that come in. That might actually be a net positive. Meat from...
  15. B

    FWP Fisheries Director Ousted?

    Speculation on my part, but I feel confident the reason is that a majority of smart, reasonable people who would make good leaders don’t want to subject themselves or their families to the vitriol, hatred, and attacks from the “other” side. And that goes for both sides. It prevents good...
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