Caribou Gear

2020 Kodiak Island Blacktail...Winterkill?


Active member
Oct 6, 2014
Gilbert, Arizona
I booked my first Alaskan hunt about a year ago for November 2020 Sitka Blacktail on Kodiak Island and saying we're excited is an understatement. I spoke with a gentleman recently that keeps his thumb to the pulse and has been to Kodiak Island several times. He told us that the winter there has been atrocious and to expect a huge winterkill on the deer, and don't waste our time or money by going on the hunt. The hunt is also booked with a reputable charter i might add. I'm hoping that someone here might have a little more insight or first-hand knowledge of the situation there this year? was the guy i talked to right?
The north end of the island has been hammered. I've seen a few pictures of snow as deep as deer are tall. We also had nearly a month of subzero weather. Depending on beach availability, the deer may do ok, but I would expect the winterkill to be above average. The south end of the island tends to fare a lot better during bad winters. Seems to be pretty typical cycle for Kodiak, every 5-7 years a bad winter and lots of winterkill.

I was just down in SE AK, the snow is getting deep in some areas there as well. I was at about 6-800' and the snow was up to my waist of compacted wet snow. Probably about a foot or so at the beach level. Not sure how it is down Ketchikan way, though.
I hunt blacktails in Prince William Sound.
For the entire state of Alaska you can view a daily snow depth map:
Alaska snow depth map(link)
Check on circle markers to see measurement stations.

For Kodiak, 2 measurement stations:
---Kodiak Treatment Plant 12 inches
---Kitoi Bay 30 inches
a buddy of mine that lives in Port Lions, was talking about the die off. he said its about normal for most winters just as long as Kodiak doesn't get a bad March. I'd wait to make any changes to your plans until mid April, when the whole winters number are figured out. you can always contact Fish and Game to get a better idea of whats going on.
There is a FB group "Alaska Blacktail Forum" that may be helpful in your research.
going to bring this one back up again. Does anyone have any updates on the situation? We are hunting the southern part of that island if it matters. I know the survey should take place pretty soon but not sure if the whole covid deal is going to prevent them from doing so.
Here's a discussion on winterkill on the AOD website.
Probably your best info is going to be from the Kodiak biologist. Later in the summer you could also contact some of the island air taxis and ask them what they're seeing.
Typically during bad winters, the south end of the island fares better in regard to winterkill.
Had a great blacktail hunt in Kodiak a few years ago with Bob May. He also guides for huge black bear. He's been in Kodiak for 30 years and runs Ashama Point Lodge. Im sure if you reach out he could give you his scouting report.
I just booked the Uganik Lake cabin for October 8-12. I know that is earlier than most trips but does anyone have any thoughts on hunting blacktail that time of year in that area ?
I just booked the Uganik Lake cabin for October 8-12. I know that is earlier than most trips but does anyone have any thoughts on hunting blacktail that time of year in that area ?
How did you make out? I am considering a hunt there around a similar time. What was the vegetation like? Was it too thick to navigate? I appreciate any insight you can offer. Thanks!
How did you make out? I am considering a hunt there around a similar time. What was the vegetation like? Was it too thick to navigate? I appreciate any insight you can offer. Thanks!
He hasn't been here since he made that post!