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  1. Elky Welky

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    They can take his hunting rifles away, but a little less than half of America will still vote to give him the nuclear codes; and if the electoral college cards fall right for him again, he'll win. What a country! Back to the young Mr. Biden, interesting jury pool. Speculating about what they...
  2. Elky Welky

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    Caveat: the Bill of Rights applies to the fed gov. “TPM.” Speech is limited to “time, place, and manner” restrictions. Also can’t yell “bomb” in an airport. There are other examples, but speech is actually quite heavily regulated. The religion one can be replaced with a goat or something, but...
  3. Elky Welky

    Stuff you don't like for no good reason

    I too think hunters orange is incredibly dumb, but I think there are lots of good reasons to not like hunters orange: 1. It doesn't make a lick of difference in big open country. 2. It just reminds you how crowded the mountains have become to see the pumpkin patch. 3. The penalty in MT for not...
  4. Elky Welky

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    Thank you! I stand corrected. I'm now curious about how many states make it illegal to be high. That concept is laughable in MT. So although I think suspending people's drivers licenses is still the worst criminal law we have on the books from state to state, this one is now up there with one of...
  5. Elky Welky

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    This. It isn't a crime to be high; it's a crime to possess or distribute. Also, the statute of limitations has expired to charge him with possession.
  6. Elky Welky

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    Strongly suggest joining a local conservation org of your choosing. I've made one or two friends on here and probably ticked off more than my fair share of others. But I've found far more like-minded people in the real world; and it is more satisfying to actually get involved and see results.
  7. Elky Welky

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    This isn't correct. Both the federal and state legislative branches are allowed to regulate our rights and do so all the time, so long as what they are doing passes the strict scrutiny standard (1. Compelling Government Interest, 2. Narrowly tailored). For example, just because we have freedom...
  8. Elky Welky

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    This isn't so much Bruen as it is simply the concept of "Originalism." Depending on which Justice writes the opinion, some rely on originalism, some don't. Scalia was a big proponent of originalism when it served his purposes. But it's heavily debated amongst constitutional scholars and there...
  9. Elky Welky

    Elk Hunting Knives........

    Hope @Big Fin is okay with this and I'm not soliciting.... but I have to say I've completely fallen in love with this system. I carry more blades than just the ones that come with it and I sharpen them all at home. Yes, the steel isn't the best and they don't hold their edge forever, but it also...
  10. Elky Welky

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    The way the form is written (and given that it is being prosecuted at all), the prosecutors are arguing yes. Which is where I see the strain on the Second Amendment. Any right enshrined in the Constitution or Bill of Rights is subject to far stricter standards if the government wants to curb...
  11. Elky Welky

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    Oh I know better than to bet on jury trials. I've been on both sides and seen far too many slam dunk cases walk free and questionable prosecutions get unanimous convictions.
  12. Elky Welky

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    He answered no, even though there is substantial evidence that he was addicted to a controlled substance. This is why he will likely be convicted. But that's not my question... my question is broader: should someone who has not been convicted of any felony be denied their second amendment...
  13. Elky Welky

    Jordan Peterson interview

    Whereas only looking for answers from proponents will lead to results that aren’t skewed at all 😉
  14. Elky Welky

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    Hunter Biden’s trial is interesting. To those not following, he was addicted to crack cocaine for a period of his life, and the prosecution is claiming that he lied on the ATF form when he declared that he did not use illegal drugs. To my knowledge, he wasn’t convicted of possession or any...
  15. Elky Welky

    Gun Owners Don't Vote

    Amen. It's interesting to me how other states have to consider guns when voting on hunting issues. Guns and hunting are not the same issue in Montana. Neither of the major parties are going to attempt to touch our guns here; it's political suicide and they know it. One party wants to tie guns to...
  16. Elky Welky

    Gun Owners Don't Vote

    Thanks for the reminder that primary ballots are due today in MT.
  17. Elky Welky

    Jordan Peterson interview

    I recently discovered Alex O'Connor as well. His debates with Ben Shapiro are also good. He's sharp and respectful and no matter what your beliefs, he's a great example of how to have a respectful and productive conversation... which is rare.
  18. Elky Welky

    Montana Mule Deer Raffle

    More positive news about this (not that those here aren't already aware of it!):
  19. Elky Welky

    Fishery vs. wildlife

    And you are definitely correct, selfishness is what that ultimately gets at. The dictionary definition of “corrupt” is one who is dishonest for their own personal or financial gain. So dishonest in the pursuit of selfishness.
  20. Elky Welky

    Fishery vs. wildlife

    To clarify, my comment was rich AND corrupt, not rich devoid of corruption or the corrupt devoid of being rich.