Yeti GOBOX Collection

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    One of the best movies ever!!!
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    Ever see a female tree

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    What BS

    Freezing my balls off.....
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    Sheep Ribs For Dinner

    Very nice work buddy!
  5. T

    Scouting in the AM...

    How unethical, LOL. Good Luck
  6. T

    Roadside Grizzwaldo...

    Hey Fags... Here's a couple pics from Blackie hunting yesterday. I lost out on the draws this spring for a Griz tag, but I can still shoot the fugger's with the 'ol camera. This one would have been a tad too small anyways.
  7. T

    Why kill a Wolf ?

    Why kill a wolf? It's not easy. Granted they're easy to shoot at, but it's hard to find one. I've smoked two, and missed two. The first was the biggest male of the pack, maybe the Alpha. I say maybe because everyone that shoots a wolf says it was the Alpha. Last year I shot my second, a bitch...
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    Shat your pants bear hunting...
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    Bighorn capture

    Looks more like antelope country. It beats my day of shoveling the driveway.
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    Returning for an old friend...Pics.

    Great buck there IDBUGLER!
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    LIVE ... Up-to-date AK !!!

    Very good dude!! We have the same motor up out of the water law here too. You've wound up with some wicked connections up there!!
  12. T

    Just like magic....

    Keep tuggin on that wand Sneex, the pics look great!
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    Pic.'s from the other day...

    Must've been a male scorpion Sneex... Nice shots!
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    July 22, pics

    Great pics.
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    Just a few to share...

    That trout pic is a Doozy! One of a kind dude!
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    Bucks from last night

    Nice shots buddy!!
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    Da Freak

    That'll be one hell of a skull to find after the Cougars get him!
  18. T

    6-17-06 (pics)

    Nice pics AZ.
  19. T

    June Picture Contest!!!

    MOoSie (I took this picture around 2 weeks ago)

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