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  1. rtraverdavis

    In Praise of the Neck Roast

    SwaggyD and Doug fckn Sticky know what I’m talking about. Jokes about the virtues of Montana mule deer management and swollen forky necks aside, neck meat has become one of my favorite of elk or deer—especially Mississippi Roast style. Big chunk of sinewy meat, perfect for easy slow cooking...
  2. rtraverdavis

    Looks great! Little full… Lotta sap…

    (Annual Hunt Talk Christmas Tree Thread) We set out for new hunting grounds this morning. As usual, it was a sh*t show. Daughter wore her slip-on Vans instead of snow boots, son had to take a dump twice while we were out and lost his hat, I had to dig two holes in the frozen ground and find the...
  3. rtraverdavis

    The Lucky Charm

    Like a lot of things that came to fruition in my life this year, my hunt was the result of a lot of years of planning and focused on a sort of single-minded purpose—to hunt mule deer in a specific patch of Wilderness in a far-off corner of the unit my family and I now live in. Though we only...
  4. rtraverdavis

    PRP Injection Experiences

    I recently learned that I've got arthritis and am bone-on-bone in both my knees, and my docs have recommended a series of PRP and stem cell injections, along with some intensive physical therapy. The docs believe that I can undo a fair amount of the damage that my knees have sustained over the...
  5. rtraverdavis

    Pit Vipers

    How are these a thing? I'm seeing loads of people wearing them now. Do they come with a free jet ski or something? Where I grew up, wearing blade sunglasses paired strictly with mullets, Marlboros, and dirt bikes in their first iteration back in the 80s and 90s. Seemingly over night, they are...
  6. rtraverdavis

    Jacoby Leandro Schmoodle is a coward

    It has been nearly a month—a month!—since Schmoodle (known on this forum as @JLS) promised me some vampire-red cabinetry, countertop, and sink, and I have still yet to see a single item. Why are you hiding that kitchen set, Jacoby? Why have you not made good on your promise? What are you scared...
  7. rtraverdavis

    Oregon Draw 2023

    Now that we’ve gotten most of the other boring states out of the way, we can all, together as a nation of sportsmen and women, focus on the draw we’ve all been waiting for—Oregon. 😀 Seed numbers are drawn today. I should draw a pretty decent deer tag with my points this year, and hope to get...
  8. rtraverdavis

    New Oregon Mule Deer Management Plan: Opportunity for Input

    ODFW is in the process of drafting a new mule deer management plan to update the 2003 plan. There will be a live webinar to discuss the issues and potential management strategies next Monday, April 17th at 6:00 PM. You can read about what ODFW is considering and provide input for consideration...
  9. rtraverdavis

    Portland's Secret Plan To Address Homeless Camps Along Marine Drive

    I imagine this guy could run quite the muck. Pretty neat: Wolverine sighted along Columbia River near Portland
  10. rtraverdavis

    A Good Step for Central Oregon Mule Deer

    Most Oregon hunters are keenly aware of the dismal state of our mule deer herds, and here is an opportunity to stem the tide a little. Deschutes County (Central OR) is considering a list of amendments to the county plan that would restrict certain types of development deemed to clearly have...
  11. rtraverdavis

    Conservation & Politics Podcasts

    @Big Fin, your latest string of podcasts about the ways in which politics affect wildlife and wildlife management have been top notch. Episodes 193, 196, 199, and 201 have been standouts for me in terms of really learning a bunch about the minutiae how political agendas can be so damaging to...
  12. rtraverdavis

    Ode to HUNT TALK MAN

    In an age of uncertainty and doubt, One MAN knows the score. With transcendent clarity, He cuts through the quaking uncertainty and chaos Like a flaming sword through the weak. With a wave of his MAN-sized hand, He casts a light into the darkness, Answering the nagging questions of this...
  13. rtraverdavis

    Comments Sought Re/ Lower Columbia Summer Steelhead

    Below is a link to an ODFW news blast that contains a survey put together by Oregon State University regarding the management of summer steelhead runs in the lower Columbia River. The information you provide in the survey will be considered in future management plans. Even though this is an...
  14. rtraverdavis

    FS: 6.5 Creedmoor Nosler Brass $50

    I have a new box of Nosler Premium Brass in 6.5 Creedmoor that I don’t need. Asking $50 plus whatever shipping comes out to.
  15. rtraverdavis

    Sold—Vortex Razor 16-48x65mm Spotting Scope

    Vortex Razor 65mm Angled Spotting Scope for sale. Lightweight and great for backpack trips. Glass and housing are pristine. Will ship with all the original packaging, and the unconditional lifetime warranty, of course. 😉 Edit, price drop: $650 TYD.
  16. rtraverdavis

    Follow the Map—A Family Mule Deer Story

    Earlier this year my five-year-old daughter became interested in maps. Satellite computer imagery was cool, but of particular interest were paper topographical maps. She’d watch me study them and ask a lot of questions, and pretty soon became sort of fixated on making her own. Pretty soon I...
  17. rtraverdavis

    Warm Streams/Cool Fish

    This past school year was a depressing grind, but it ended last Wednesday. My wife has been well aware how hard it’s been on me, and told me I should go do whatever I wanted for Father’s Day weekend. So a buddy and I decided to get off the beaten path, away from the crowds, and check out some...
  18. rtraverdavis

    2021 Nevada Draw

    I know I know. The application period just ended last week and the draw results may not be until the 28th, but I’m excited for this one. I’m in for everything. And, unless the Covid point creep craziness is worse than I suspect, I’ll even be up into double digit odds on my 5th choice. Amazing...
  19. rtraverdavis

    Parking Lot Mushrooms

    My wife’s car broke down right as she was leaving work this evening, so the kids and I had to go get her. While we were waiting in the parking lot for the tow truck to arrive, I looked over into a strip of landscaping and saw strange conical shapes protruding from the ground. Holy moly! Those...
  20. rtraverdavis

    HB 2548 Wildlife Corridor Road Crossings

    This bill would provide funding and resources for a study designed to assess placement of migration corridor road crossings. It would be an important step forward in an area Oregon is really lacking, and could lead to a longterm benefit to our mule deer herds in particular. The public hearing...
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