PEAX Equipment

Search results

  1. squirrel

    7 Pack Llama Girls

    Summer project is winding down and these girls need to go as they are driving my boys nuts. ALLLL 7 are 3-5 yrs old, maybe (or not!) pregnant to one of my best packers. Due late May. Halter/lead/tether/trailer/pickup rack/saddle/pannier trained. The most promising 4 have 50-100 miles of trail...
  2. squirrel

    An overly ambitious summer project gets it's start

    Picked up 7 un-touched girl llamas for this summer's training work. Coming along nicely overall and am about ready for actual trail work. I am in a bit of a pickle with these and 20 boys who need trail time to condition. I'm not sure my waist line can handle an entire summer of brook...
  3. squirrel

    How much elk can a bear chuck chuck?

    I wouldn't have believed it but he got half, in one squatting no less. What is the consensus on one night of gluttony for blackies. (then the ravens took their tax cut as well). I set it up by leaving my butcher kit in KS whitetail camp when picked up by my buddy. I never thought with my boat...
  4. squirrel

    Scrolling vs. Strolling

    While on a 21 mile loop I re-visited the thread about fires while in a spot with reception. I cant imagine trying to make a hunt plan based on the internet. I prefer the "strolling for data" approach myself. It's been a good summer overall for strolling, wet, cool, big fires kinda camping...
  5. squirrel

    Poking holes in Wally

    A very interesting week. Usually takes 3 days to figure out the lake in any given year, this year it took... yep 3 days. Pretty amazing 10' thick thermocline thick as pea soup 19-20"Wally everywhere at 14' at the upper edge, zero vis till 25' and lots of 23-25" Wally at the lower fade into a...
  6. squirrel

    38 days Living with Boy George???

    Usually I wait a while after a grand adventure to write the story. This allows what was important to bubble to the surface and what may have seemed important (at the time) to recede away if it was more on the periphery of what mattered. There are a few other stories, on this site, I believe...
  7. squirrel

    Goat hooves?

    Anyone know of a link or have advise on turning goat hooves. I'm not having any luck finding anything using my limited skills of internet searching. Frozen for now so no hurry on this search for info.
  8. squirrel

    Goat decoy/ with white suit?? ever try it?

    As bear claw told JJohnson... "elk don't know how many feet a horse has". Think billies know how many feet a llama has? I think it may work, have any of you done anything like it and what were the goat's reactions? This will be an archery hunt, leaning towards recurve at close range but still...
  9. squirrel

    Hands free cliff climbing rigs?

    Well mountain goat tag #6 showed top in the mail so it's official now. Top priority is lard reduction but I also need a better way to have my hands free while scaling cliffs to get close. To say the days of one handed pull-ups is over for me would be a gross understatement. (even a two handed...
  10. squirrel

    Where is, or is there, a public lands safety net?

    I got to watch as a state went from a buck/year, to a buck/doe, to a buck n 2does, buck n 4 does, buck n 7 does if does were on the right side of the fence (private). the slaughter was crazy up until the private lands owners realised there were just about zero deer left after the final days of...
  11. squirrel

    When the Ents Attack

    So an old college buddy called me up and says he is gonna die and doesn’t want to die with a pile of WY elk points. If I would take him along he was willing to take me on his coat-tails from the point’s end of the equation. How could I refuse a dying man’s request? I readily agreed to this...
  12. squirrel

    Kansas Deer Heavy Weight Division

    Some of these midnight alfalfa field bouts would be something to see. I've been privileged to witness a few from a treetop perch but they were between bantam weights at best compared to some of these big guys. This girl got her first buck and while stripping off his cape I found this jaw...
  13. squirrel

    Moose Snot and Grizz Cubs...

    No doubt a lot of people are out there with way too much time grating on their hands right now. A long story, of a long hunt, to occupy you for this long spring. In the late 80’s when I started making some decent money I made a decision to start applying in some of the neighboring states for...
  14. squirrel

    I Thought I Saw a Putty Tat.

    This year I packed up my camo, soaked in permethrin, and headed off sixteen hours of solo driving away. I pulled in exhausted with my lab Cody at around midnight and slept as if dead until my alarm went off at 4:30, made my coffee and went to a great spot for morning listening. As the eastern...
  15. squirrel

    Cute lil Guy, born the wrong spring.

    has about zero chance of making it I'm afraid.
  16. squirrel

    Parker Bros Damascus Malfunction

    Inherited a Parker Bros 12 and was talked in to refinishing it, so did. It worked fine both before and after the re-furbishing. I pulled it out to drool over it the other day, and was unable to take the barrels out of the action, the forearm comes off fine, the action hinges fine, you just...
  17. squirrel

    Reversing the tide on llamas

    Difficult but this proves it can be done, sorry duckslayer you are still SOL.
  18. squirrel

    The Hunt For Pamela Anderson

    27 years and 25 pts were cashed in this year to get the Princess her big shot. Pre-season scouting was incredible and started in mid September in between sending llamas out. First trip the best I saw was what would have been a 380 bull if he had had a normal symmetrical 3rd on his right...
  19. squirrel

    A Llittle Llama Decoy Action

    Even in the summer the intrepid squirrel can, and sometimes will go out in the yard to pee on the doghouse corner. Went on a 25 mile walk-about with 3 veterans and 5 new guys. Snow pack was incredible for late summer, it was still spring-like conditions with only the earliest flowers...
  20. squirrel

    If OTC went OTD (out the door)

    Genetics- yep Food- yep Longevity- nope But not so long ago we had the whole enchilada. Found this one grown into a Juniper tree to the point I had to saw and twist, while twisting broke off about 6" of his huge back scratcher NT point. image by squirrel2012, on Flickr image by squirrel2012...

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