Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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  1. H

    Montana Moose HD 311 and 304

    anybody have any experience in these area's, thanks in advance
  2. H

    model 12 16 gauge shotgun info

    I'm in the market for a model 12, 16 gauge, there are plenty of them around on the various gun's for sale websites. anyway I have found one with a serial number of 626864 this puts its date of manufacture in 1929, the gun is tight and good shape, If any of you are model 12 enthusiast's, I am...
  3. H

    MT-FWP Scoping process

    here is the online address to submit your comments on what to do and what not to do: http://fwp.mt.gov/hunting/publicComments/2014_15biennialHuntingSeasonsScoping.html Beware, the first question is "are you satisfied with your hunting opportunities in Mt." If you say yes they will assume you...
  4. H

    Tester is back in Mt give him an ear full

    If any of you happen to get a chance to tell Tester anything tell him You do not want to give up any BLM land in the Fort Belknap water rights issue..
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    unbeleivable woman

    One day a man decided to retire... He booked himself on a Caribbean cruise and proceeded to have the time of his life, that is, until the ship sank. He soon found himself on an island with no other people, no supplies, nothing, only bananas and coconuts. After about four months, he is...
  6. H

    looking for a new shoot and point digital

    I am in the market for a new point and shoot camera, I would like one that fits in my front shirt pocket and uses AA batts, I have a Nikon L 24 right now and really like how it operates and the pics, BUT the little door on the bottom that opens for the battery/card compartment is weak, it opens...
  7. H

    Anybody know the new FWP Commissioners

    Mt Gov. Bullock appointed 3 new FWP Commissioners yesterday, Matthew Tourtlotte, of Billings,,Lawrence Wetsit, of Wolf Point, and Chinook rancher Richard Stuker,, Anybody know them and how do you think they will do ?????
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    HB 418 changed at last moment

    Legislature Bill Harris changed HB 418 that would have changed the 10% to 15% rule of special permits to NR from state wide all inclusive to only archery elk permits.. It apperaed to me that the bill was seen as self serving and did not have a lot of support. but only time will tell. How is it...
  9. H

    anybody interested in HB274

    it seems to revamp a lot of the guide and outfitter requirmets, it is flying thru the legislature with out much resistence ???
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    NEW MT. FWP Director appointed

  11. H

    Selecting a MT. FWP Director

    the Gov. Elect Bullock is in the early stages of selecting a new Director of the Montana FWP, this man will make or break the FWP, We need a man that is more than familar with sportsmens problems access issues, over indulgence in the selling of Elk B tags and deer B tags in area's with NO DEER...
  12. H

    USGS topo maps

    Its been nearly 30 years since I have bought a USGS Topo map the large paper 1:2400 kind. I tried doing a google search for the map I wanted and I see I can download the map which I did,, but I want one like the old paper style that I can carry in my pack, anybody know how to go about getting...
  13. H

    more info about the land grab

    here is some info I recieved today mostly about the state land issue.. OK... here is what I found out today: Visited with Mary Sexton, Director of the DNRC which oversees all state land. The exchange of state land for BLM land is 20,000 acres - acres that are scattered throughout the...
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    The Senate Race in Mt

    The senate race bertween Testor and Rehberg is pretty close, I don't understand why Testor introduced the bill to give nearly 50K acres of land to the Fort Belknap Indian reservation, On the other hand Rehberg wants to sell off all our public land. Jon Testor is chairman of the Senate sportsmens...
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    giant landgrab in Eastern Mt.

    lot of hub bub on the Montana bowsite forum about Testor sponcering a water bill that also includes a very large amount of state and federal BLM.lands to be transfered to the Fort Belknap tribes, If any of you have Testors ear please tell him that this would be a big mistake. here is the ..the...
  16. H

    Question about super tags in Montana

    I didn;t want to ask this question on the other super tag thread account it is pretty long already, anyway if i apply for a bighorn tag and buy a super tag and if a miracle would happen I drew the sheep tag and won the super tag drawing for sheep, what would happen, first thought I would get to...
  17. H

    My spring Turkey is in Jeopardy

    After hearing about the defeat of HB 285 and with unbridled enthusiam left over from the defeat of HB 361 and then to add the great feeling of the amendment to get rid of the ridiculaous Idea of hunting birds and spring turkey with a rifle I could not control myself and did a triple back flip...
  18. H

    361 voting procedure

    Is there going to be any attempt to find out if the voting procedure in the Senate FG committee was lawful ???
  19. H

    Hb 285

    HB 361 seems to be taking up all the oxygen,:eek: while HB 285 is sliently moving ahead. :mad:
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    over turning of I-161

    Tomorrow @ 3pm the House Fish & Game Committee will be hearing HB 537 which will repeal the I-161 initiative. As I have stated previously, this is not about the merits of the initiative, but rather the legislature overturning the will/vote of the people. It has become obvious, that this...
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