Search results

  1. Tom

    Trump Jr. bowhunter interview Short but sweet interview.
  2. Tom

    Flounder gigging.

    You gig them at night under the lights, spear pole fishing. This was at the Texas coast, out of Aransas Pass.
  3. Tom

    Texas public hunting

    The 2014-2015 public hunting lands booklet went on sale the 15th of August and the draw hunt applications are in process now. (TPWLD Programs and areas) Annual Public Hunting Permit Information and Maps, formerly called a Type II permit
  4. Tom

    Mexico drug cartels threaten US

    in El Paso, they put up some billboard warnings pretty bad
  5. Tom

    US news survey on wolf killing, go vote
  6. Tom

    National data: private vs public.

    Its a heads up, most hunting in this country is on private land. The next 5 year survey will be out in Nov. but here's some data from the latest out now. Hunting on Public and Private Lands In 2006, 12.5 million hunters 16 years old and...
  7. Tom

    Paul Ryan, bowhunter

    Mitt Romney's VP running mate. Icing on the cake, eh?
  8. Tom

    Texas coast fishing

    Some red snapper from about 70 ft of water over a shipwreck the second day of season. About 20 went out on the boat in 10-15 ft swells, we got drenched. The boats full catch that day, red snapper, baracuda and sharks, with my honey and neighbor in the picture too. Here's some sea trout...
  9. Tom

    Action question on wolves?

    We write these committees we are for these, right? What else? *************************************************************************** H.R.509 -- To amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to provide that Act shall not apply to the gray wolf (canis lupus). (Introduced in House - IH) HR...
  10. Tom

    Mongolians hunt wolf with eagles.(video) Pretty good hunters, those eagles, eh? Does that count as on your own hunting?
  11. Tom

    Satellite pictures of BP oil gusher. BPs third disaster in the US, Alaska, Texas, now this. Next step is a Top Hat, the well is like 12K of 18K ft. to stop it, they say.
  12. Tom

    Illegal's three wishes.

    A beautiful fairy appeared one day to a destitute Mexican refugee outside an Arizona immigration office. "Good man," the fairy said, "I've been sent here by President Obama and told to grant you three wishes, since you just arrived in the United States with your wife and eight children."...
  13. Tom

    Four hunting buddies.

    Four life-long hunting friends, a doctor, lawyer, professor, and a businessman, hunting the same exclusive Montana private ranch with guaranteed tags for years had made a pact. When one dies, they agreed, the others will lay 5,000 each on his coffin so he'll have some spending money in the after...
  14. Tom

    Gobbler 4/10/10 in TX

    I got a gobbler last saturday at the Val Verde county lease I'm on. It was lucky, they were gobbling in the morning shortly after I got to my area. I called and got responses. They must have circled me? All of a sudden I heard this guy gobble on the other side of me. So, I turned around...
  15. Tom

    Roost question?

    I saw a show yesterday where they chased turkeys off the roost on a fall Missouri hunt, then called and hunted them. Is that legal in your state? Here its illegal to hunt within 100-200 yards of a roost as maintaining roosts is essential to maintaining the population...
  16. Tom

    contact Senator quick

    Help Block Animal Rightist Regulatory Czar Senator John Cornyn (R- TX) has blocked President Obama’s choice for a powerful regulatory position in the White House because of the nominee’s support for animal rights. He’s done his part, now sportsmen need to do theirs. Your support is needed to...
  17. Tom

    Tactical hog hunting Night hunting with lights even is legal here for hogs, with landowner permission.
  18. Tom

    Pro hunting and fishing action needed now for USA.

    Its a cut and paste from Keith Warren, a TV fishing and hunting guy: The enemy is upon us now!!!! HELP! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please open your eyes and realize that your first ammendment rights are at stake here, now and you better...
  19. Tom

    Win a father/child Florida fishing trip.

    Its a cut and paste, somebody with lots of kids and some good pictures fishing with them might be a shoe in. Look at the entry pictures now, some aren't even fishing or with their dad. Good luck to those who enter! 13 days left to enter, maybe today is your lucky day, especially since there...
  20. Tom

    Top state in numbers hunting and/or fishing.

    Its Texas again by the US Census Bureau National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. Table 51, p.97 Texas is number one in states for total expenditures doing that also. If you count wildlife watching, which is mostly bird watching (I guess), then Ca and Fl surpass...
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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