Sitka Pre Season Savings

Hunt Talk

What weapon? Season dates? How familiar? I just spent a month in 113. How can I help?
Thank you Wally for getting back to me. I have rifle 11/21-12/4. I am somewhat familiar from trips to Great Basin, cave lake and success loop, but not much more other than recent scouts. I am currently targeting south of Great Basin, and east side of 111. Don't most of my hunts out near winnemucca near the Tobin range, and one trip every year to the ruby's, well, because it's the rubies.
I will be going with two buddies to help get it off the mountain (god willing) but no large party. I am kind of worried about access in late November and just gathering some intel on a good area to set up and hike in. We aren't afraid of hiking in a few miles each day (and prefer that to get away from others).
But I'd be lying if I said I'm worried about having a good plan laid out but no plan B or C if it's inaccessible. I really appreciate any advice or areas to check out on my next scouting trip. Didn't grow up hunting but been at it the last 10 years and only know what I know. Thank you again. Sorry for the wall of text.
You're on the right track. If there's snow or super cold, near the border of 231 is a good idea. Lotties canyon in 113 is loaded with bulls. Access is tough but doable. We can talk on the phone if you need more info. Try reaching out to @IdahoNick. He had the same tag last year and dropped a monster in the north part of 111. Try to pm me after you get 10 posts. It's easier.
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Thank you. Much appreciated. If you ever find yourself in the rubies feel free to reach out. Spent many nights out there.
Desk Pop
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He has the same tag as you had last year. His plans are pretty good but he's looking for advice or areas to explore. I told him about 113 and suggested he give you a pm...said you dropped a monster in the north part of 111. You decide if you want to expand on it.
Hope you are doing well!
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Desk Pop
Desk Pop
Yes I will give him some pointers. Doing great here. If I remember you drew a cow hunt. That happen yet?
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Yeah, hunt is over. It was the toughest hunt I've been on. Pouring rain 26 of the 29 days I was there. Access wiped out by flooding. My plans a, b and c had sheep. I did have one good chance on day 3. Sun was in my eyes and I shot too high. Easy shot. My screw up. Sheep were brought in the following day. I didn't see another elk the rest of the hunt. How about you? Anything happening with you?
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Much appreciated fellas. Wally, sorry bout the hunt. Sounds like tough one. Last year me and a buddy got caught in a pretty nasty snow storm. After days of hiking through snow and clouds (drying our clothes out over the buddy heater) we stumbled on a shooter about 60 yards out, had a 4 minute staring contest. He put his head down I wiggled my gun off my shoulder, then winded us and bolted. Rough, but memorable.
Desk Pop
Desk Pop
Jeez Wally that is rough. Sounds like you hunted hard. Those environmental factors are tough...and don't even get me started on sheep grazing. Always tough and almost impossible to predict. And I've come close to having to shoot sheep dogs in self-defense several times...and I love dogs.
Desk Pop
Desk Pop
This season been good. Hunted Hawaii diy and did well with my dad and buddy. Got a velvet mulie with the bow and antelope w rifle last weekend.
Desk Pop
Desk Pop
Scouted and found a bighorn ram two days before the Aug 30 opener for a friend who drew a Frank Church unit...but unfortunately he hunted two days and quit. He was not in shape or prepared for the hunt. Have a packed season and will get out with my 11 year old daughter for a few animals
Way to go Nick! Good for you! Tags dropped from 25 to 5 and I didn't ask a game biologist why. That's on me.
Drove to my cabin today to load gear. Leaving Saturday for 12 days on the Kaibab looking for the small needle in a huge haystack. AZ says there's 40-50 elk up there. Total. I'll spend nights bulging to try and locate a bull. Should be fun.
Desk Pop
Desk Pop
Thanks. That is awesome. Best of luck. No matter what, it's still hunting!