Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Recent content by Stocker

  1. Stocker

    Anyone looking for a pilot?

    This is one reason I kick myself that I didn’t follow my dad and get my pilots license young. I’d give about anything to be the copilot or even flight engineer on a firefighting tanker. Them guys have balls of steel and drop those big jets into cantons like they’re piloting a tri-pacer. It’s...
  2. Stocker

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    I think can settle the left/passing lane debate.
  3. Stocker

    Great Social Media posts?

    I didn’t understand a single word he said. By the pictures I think it’s some weird love triangle between his obese cousin, him, and the poor dog.
  4. Stocker

    Just got Starlink.

    When I had Hugh’s net I had the perfect amount of service to take 20 minutes to download a (page unable to download) screen. Quite the deal.
  5. Stocker

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    Nothing more needs to be said about Subaru drivers. The old saying but in Subaru terms: “Not everyone who drives a Subaru is an imbecilic, moron driver, but everyone who is an imbecilic, moron driver drives a Subaru.” Just a quick weekend trip and my kids are even pointing out Subaru drivers...
  6. Stocker

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    A mile away but we found a few big groups of elk, a few moose, and some bucks milling around for new years.
  7. Stocker

    Merry Christmas

    Wearing my favorite Christmas shirt to commemorate a great Christmas Day event.
  8. Stocker

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    And mirrors flipped up like a doofus while not pulling a trailer.
  9. Stocker

    A little humour for your day

  10. Stocker

    A little humour for your day

  11. Stocker


    You can all suck it! We have our savior now, national champs in 3 years! Calling my shot! I’m 0-678 do I’m due!
  12. Stocker

    Just a Poor Colorado kid!

  13. Stocker


    I just shit my pants looking at that.
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