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Recent content by mtmiller

  1. mtmiller

    The verdict is in...

    FFF rule. Just be transparent on that last F I recently learned. :D
  2. mtmiller

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    I just thought the TJ "beauty" quote was an interesting choice of words from Tom, so I spent 60 seconds looking into it. Bummed that it was not accurate. :p Carry on.
  3. mtmiller

    Wyoming wolf segue

    Or wild horses.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  4. mtmiller

    MT Mule Deer Age data accuracy and reality

    See where that antler splits about 10” above the base….=mature buck, congrats.🎉😜😜
  5. mtmiller

    New SAR tool

    Pinpoint cellphones my ass. This is proof they put a chip in my arm a couple years ago, lyin' bastards.
  6. mtmiller

    "Wild" horses saved!!!

    I am appalled. Okay, not really. What is the concern? https://apnews.com/article/north-dakota-wild-horses-theodore-roosevelt-park-1af6f1b23a2bfa1916d868bd96e4ad91
  7. mtmiller

    Help stop the evisceration of Montana's FWP

    Lots of names on there of people I highly respect. Appreciate the link.
  8. mtmiller

    FWP Fisheries Director Ousted?

    I thought to myself, "well he made it just over an hour". Then I realized you didn't even make through your own post. That made me laugh. Thanks for killing the informative thread. Well done.
  9. mtmiller

    FWP Fisheries Director Ousted?

    To be fair, this is an opinion piece, but thought there might be some interest. https://dailymontanan.com/2024/05/24/somethings-rotten-at-montanas-fish-wildlife-and-parks/
  10. mtmiller

    Wildflowers 2024

  11. mtmiller

    Record sheep auction and a mistress

    Injured my back at the gym on Monday. Bored and grouchy.
  12. mtmiller

    Record sheep auction and a mistress

    You mean it wasn't to put more sheep on the mountain? hahaha “The fact that a handful of individuals stepped up to put and keep more wild sheep on the mountain for everyone, and one day put more sheep permits into the public draws, is the definition of paying it forward,”...
  13. mtmiller

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Was there discussion of having liberal regional caps (but less the the current free for all) as well as removing the rut for mule deer? Maybe there is rational for only one or the other?
  14. mtmiller

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    2025 works for me, thanks. ;)
  15. mtmiller

    A very happy HuntTalk birthday to Ben Lamb

    I think he wrote that Field Guide about Raising Hell. 🤷‍♂️ :D
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