PEAX Equipment

mfrosty6's latest activity

  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 reacted to MTGomer's post in the thread Montana HD 455 - Beartooth WMA with Like Like.
    I killed a bull in there once, all the way at the back. I was alone on foot. If it weren’t for my friend and uncle coming with the...
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 replied to the thread The new guy.
    thank you appreciate it! happy to be here!
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 reacted to Elkhunter24's post in the thread The new guy with Like Like.
    Welcome to HT!
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 replied to the thread The new guy.
    im feeling pretty confident with 65lbs, just need that repetition, muscle memory
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 reacted to Forkyfinder's post in the thread The new guy with Like Like.
    I had a 70 lb - saw a lot of dead bulls with 50 lb short draw bows and decided it wasnt necessary. Decided id rather be able to pull it...
  • mfrosty6
    I'll take nuclear over endless miles of wind farms and solar tbh.
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 replied to the thread The new guy.
    ive heard 65lbs is the sweet spot for archery. pretty standard draw weight to pull back without strain. my bow is currently 65lbs also
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 reacted to fishing4sanity's post in the thread The new guy with Like Like.
    Welcome to the forum! Back in the late 70's I got my first compound bow for hunting, a Martin Archery Cougar from the factory in Walla...
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 reacted to Forkyfinder's post in the thread The new guy with Like Like.
    Welcome. Prime rival, 29", 65lbs
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 replied to the thread The new guy.
    Hey thanks for the hospitality! with all this new technology coming out is like take your pick. quite a bit of options when it comes to...
  • mfrosty6
    I heard a rumor about interest of building a nuclear power plant here I Butte MT. idk the accuracy of that rumor, but to my surprise I...
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 posted the thread The new guy in Who am I?.
    im newer to archery hunting, just wondering what everyones bow setup is for this upcoming season?
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 updated their status.
    whats everyone's bow setup this season for archery?
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 commented on mfrosty6's profile post.
    alright im on it, looks like i have one point, so might take some time. thanks for the heads up
  • mfrosty6
    mfrosty6 left a message on sclancy27's profile.
    I am assuming this is PM

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