Recent content by glass eye

  1. glass eye

    2024 CA Draw Results

    @popeyoung12 I don’t know if this happens in CA but when a friend drew a sheep tag in AZ he was inundated with offers from sheep groupies to help scout for free. I helped him scout and there was large group of retired people glassing the hills for him.
  2. glass eye

    “Alone” season 11 on History channel Thursday nights

    Next week after ALONE another alone will be aired from the South Island NZ. I hope I can stay awake for it. If they are allowed to have bows there shouldn't be any shortage of game. It'd be real easy to catch eels there too, no hooks needed, just some fabric with the scent of meat on it.
  3. glass eye

    Duck hunter

    Birds of a feather flock together. That's my passion. Last season was Alaska and God willing next season Maine. Always diy.
  4. glass eye

    “Alone” season 11 on History channel Thursday nights

    That Game Warden will be the first to tap out. Can't really call the broadhead boy a tap out.
  5. glass eye

    Friday 6/14 Tunage, It's about Easy

    Easy is not in the title but the message is easy.
  6. glass eye

    2024 CA Draw Results

    As expected “N” across the board, just “Y” to my 2nd choice AO. Maybe AZ will show me some love but I doubt that I’ll draw sheep or Kaibab deer.
  7. glass eye

    “Alone” season 11 on History channel Thursday nights

    I just hope that their hands aren’t tied with all kinds of local restrictions. No net fishing, no taking of squirrels, rabbits, foxes etc.
  8. glass eye

    New Zealand camping gear suggestions

    Most Gun Shops rent Mountain Radios if you don't have in~reach
  9. glass eye

    New Zealand camping gear suggestions

    The tent on the knife ridge is an Integral Designs Sola made in Canada. The other tent in video (Yellow & Burgundy color) is a Garuda Jana.
  10. glass eye

    New Zealand camping gear suggestions

    On a knife ridge with winds like a freight train.
Caribou Gear

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