Caribou Gear Tarp

Several 1st today


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
I'll start this with saying the fishing/weather conditions here around NE Ohio have SUCKED for several weeks. I work graveyard, so I pretty much get my fishing in during the week by stopping along the way from work, to home. It's just started getting light enough when I get off to be able to fish.

So, today I gave it a shot. Temp 37. Clear shies, no wind.

The List of First's:

~ 1st fishing this year
~ 1st time with this rod/reel set-up ( 5 1/2' light rod/reel, 4# mono, 1/8oz & #8 hook Carolina rig)
~ 1st time at this small lake/large pond. Some light ice , scattered
~ 1st time using Powerbait
~ Ohio Trout

I was only there for about 20-25 minutes. 10 minutes of that was un-phucking the rod and getting it fishable. Cast out, waited 5 min. Reeled in. Recast further out. 5 min. Reeled in. Recast off to the left toward the relief drain.

Checked time. Ok 5 more minutes. (It's 37 degree!)

Just about to call it when the line went a slight slack......then again ! Grab the rod, reel in the slack and set. Fish On !

No pic, no gloves and I'd been out there 1/2 hour already, but it was a perfect meal-sized 11-12" rainbow. Back she went......

Nice 1st day. (y)
Do what you can, while you can! Good on you for going!