Sitka Pre Season Savings

How loud are Wolves?


Sep 18, 2022
I was bowhunting in Pioneer Zone opening opening week; hiked around cow calling looking for sign at 8500ft. Came into a clearing, heard a very loud bark followed by 4 very long very loud howls. I believe the wolf figured out I was not an elk and was calling off the pack. I did not get a visual, glassed the far canyon face for a while, completely quiet after that. So, how loud can these things howl? I know that’s hard to describe, but this seemed way louder than I would have ever expected. Granted, it was in a canyon, but still seemed crazy loud; practically felt the sound. BTW, did not see any elk!
In the right setting, still crips night with probably a very slight breeze in my direction, I've heard wolves howling on the opposite side of a large valley. I'd estimate it was about 3-4 miles away. Oct. 1 last year, I heard a wolf howling on a mountain top above camp at around 2 miles away. Just a few weeks ago, I heard a lone wolf howling on a ridge about 1.5 miles away that was not as loud as the previous encounters listed above. Sound can travel very far in the right location and environment.
they can also be quiet. Although a captive wolf, I watched/heard one howl at the grizzly bear center in West Yellowstone from about 50 yards and it was really faint.