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Bill Hefner

New member
Dec 17, 2000
St. Petersburg, FL USA
These unguided, outfitted, drop camp hunts are offered by a long-time outfitter friend of mine who has been in business over 25 years and operates in the Mulchatna Valley area in Unit 17. He has high success rates, lots of record book animals and fair prices. You can book cheaper hunts, but you’ll never book a better hunt!

STANDARD Unguided, Outfitted Drop Camp Hunt
Caribou, Black Bear & Wolf

6 Day Hunt (Aug & Sep)....$1,500. per person
8 Day Hunt (Aug & Sep)....$1,800. per person
10 Day Hunt (Aug & Sep)...$2,100. per person


2-3 Man Tent
Propane Lantern
Paper Towels
Propane Stove & Fuel
Garbage Bags
Ziploc Bags
Cooking Utensils
Toilet Paper
Water Jug
Paper Plates & Bowls
Cups, Forks, Knives & Spoons
Blue Tarps
Cord & Rope
Small Saws


DELUXE Unguided, Outfitted Drop Camp Hunt
Caribou, Black Bear & Wolf
(Minimum of 4 hunters; maximum of 12)

6 Day Hunt (Aug & Sep).....$1,900 per person
8 Day Hunt (Aug & Sep).....$2,200 per person
10 Day Hunt (Aug & Sep)....$2,500 per person


14x17 Cook Tent with Stove w/ Hot Water Tank Attached
8x10 Shower Tent w/ Wood Stove & Pump
Foam Pads For Cots
10x12 Tents, each w/ 2 Cots & Wood Stove
Large Picnic Style Table
Propane Lights
Screened-In Meat House
4-Burner Propane Range Top
Pots, Pans, Dishes, Utensils
Water Jug
Zip Loc Bags
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
Small Saws
Cordage, Rope & Hide Salt


Hunting Equipment NOT Provided:

Tags and License
Sleeping Bag & Pad
Rifle, Pistol & Ammo
Personal Gear
Back Pack w/ Frame
Bow & Arrows


Hunting License - $85 (non-resident)
Caribou Tag - $325
Black Bear Tag - $225
Wolf Tag - $30

Food Provided (Standard & Deluxe Camps):

Coffee, Tea & Hot Chocolate
Creamer & Sugar Sandwich Meats
Cookies & Candy Bars
Canned Ham
Bread & Crackers
Mustard & Mayonnaise
Summer Sausage
Freeze Dried Food
Instant Oatmeal

For detailed information and a copy of the 2001 newsletter, contact:

[email protected] (all lower case)
BILL.... WHats the odds in that area to wack a black bear on that caribou hunt ?!?!

IF me and a couple of buddies go on the Carabou hunt, we'd like a chance at a bear or a wolf too...... ALSO, Are we moved in that 6 day time if the 'Bou's are not in the Area ??! or how does that work..... I think NExt year I'm heading there one way or another ....

THANX FOR the response bill..... FILL me in bill... Also, I'd like to bring the bow for a bou, with a rifle for the bear...

Just guessing here, but I doubt they move that deluxe camp. Better go for the standard package, if ya want to move around.

Good luck on your hunt! I'll be trying for Black Bear and Wolves down here in S.E. Alaska this Spring.

Odds on taling a black bear on your caribou hunt are very good. We saw several black bears before my brother-in-law decided to take one. After he got it (7.5' squared and missed the record book by 1/16") we saw several more blacks and 1 grizzly, which was about 400 yards from camp. Plus, several thousand caribou. And this was over a 9-day period.

With all the caribou you shouldn't have to be moved. Just glass and wait. They will come to you. I held out for a moose and blew a 200 yard shot in heavy bush and low light. Then I had to settle for a caribou the last morning of the hunt. The outfitter taxied his Super Cub right up to the edge of the landing strip, where I shot it, and loaded the game bags into the belly pod and off we went back to main camp.

Let me now if you want more detailed info.
