Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. appaloosa

    Neck shots.

    When I was 17, I bugled in a bull and shot him in the neck at 30y with a 30-06. Dropped like a rock. As I was patting myself on the back he jumped to his feet and ran off. Never saw him again. That was my last attempt at a neck shot.
  2. appaloosa

    2024 Nevada Draw Results

    Holy sweet mother of ... I drew a bull tag in 221!
  3. appaloosa

    Wy big 5 results 2024

    My son drew a random moose tag. God bless 90/10!
  4. appaloosa

    Hope today gets better

    thoughts and prayers
  5. appaloosa

    Really, Wyoming?

    He is a sick, twisted f*ck.
  6. appaloosa

    Solar Energy Comments due April 18, 2024

    Comments submitted, thanks for sharing
  7. appaloosa

    Really, Wyoming?

    More fallout...
  8. appaloosa

    Really, Wyoming?

    Here's more info on the the scumbag that did this and some wise thoughts from our community leadership.
  9. appaloosa

    Really, Wyoming?

    The collective IQ of the patrons and staff there couldn't lift a helium balloon off the sidewalk. You'd fit right in.
  10. appaloosa

    Really, Wyoming?

    I bet you'd like to see the inside of his van too. The GRB is a breeding ground for his (your) type.
  11. appaloosa

    Not on Your Bucket List

    Prairie dogs.... never could understand the fascination people have with shooting live targets.
  12. appaloosa

    Curb> Seinfeld

    The Jerk Store called and they are all out of you!
  13. appaloosa

    Bipartisan bill to reintroduce wolverines in CO legislature.

    Cool attitude dude. Thankfully, the leaders who decided that elk, bison, sheep, whooping cranes, cutthroat trout, (insert any number of once extirpated species), should be restored to areas where they once persisted didn't share your pessimism. Conspiracy theories aside, there are currently 7...
  14. appaloosa

    HB0060 - Excess Wildlife Population Damage - Not sure on this one

    Why is it that when publicly owned wildlife utilize private land is it considered "damage", but when privately owned livestock utilize public land its considered "beneficial use"? In this case, landowners would be paid $45/AUM for forage utilized by wildlife, meanwhile, most public land...
  15. appaloosa

    Who bought this?

    Holy Keep Hammering, this is the most Utah thing to come out of Utah since .... frosted mullets?
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