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  1. G


    It was a too cold and stormy to work bees this morning, so I thought I'd spend a couple hours looking for a bear. I debated on two or three different places and finally made up my mind. Turns out it was a pretty lucky choice. I just started glassing when this nice boar came trotting up out of...
  2. G

    Help. Need a turkey tail asap.

    I have a few in the freezer if you are still in need, just let me know.
  3. G

    Would have been 17 this sunday

    I am very sorry, I can't imagine your pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  4. G

    2024 Turkey Season!

    I finished up spring gobbler season with a nice little Jake for tag #3. It was a fun season even with how busy I am this time of year! 3 boned out birds make a great batch of turkey sausage!
  5. G

    2024 Turkey Season!

    Got back from a broken horn oryx hunt in NM in time to get out for a morning of hunting before going back to work. It was a really nice morning with no wind and just a bit of rain here and there. Two nice toms came in after a a couple hours of cat and mouse with the group. I decided this bird...
  6. G

    2024 Turkey Season!

    Managed to get a nice little bird between regular work and moving bees for pollination. I blew it a couple times this season early, by always being in a hurry to get back to work. Slowed down a bit and enjoyed it and things worked out much better :)
  7. G

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    In for Desert Sheep and points for DEA :)
  8. G

    I need a turkey gun

    I bought a Winchester 12 ga. SX4 just for turkeys and ducks, because I only had my dad's old 2 3/4" guns. I killed plenty of birds with the old guns, but I do love my new gun for turkeys so far :).
  9. G

    2023 Hunting Adventures Recap

    That's pretty cool. Some day I hope to hold a big ole Mt.Lion up like that. Congrats on a great Tom, he's a beautiful cat!
  10. G

    2023 Montana Bighorn Sheep Tag/Hunt...

    Great story and a beautiful ram, congrats!
  11. G

    Pack out pics

    AK Mt. Goat 2014. We (Me, BIL, Brother ) made it out with two goats and camp. I struggled with my load on this trip. I'd never used walking sticks until this trip and they saved me on the way down the steep faces. My legs felt like wet spaghetti noodles :)!
  12. G

    Pack out pics

    My son blew out the thigh of his pants on our trip out with his blacktail, so he just made one time use shorts for the rest of the pack out :) ! I'd forgot about this one and it made me laugh when I saw it and remembered a great day in the woods!
  13. G

    Pack out pics

    A couple bears from OR. One is a fall bear I shot in 2018. The other is my daughters first bear(2017). She wanted to keep the hide for her and we were short on time; so I gutted it and tried it whole. Thank goodness it wasn't too far and luckily in logging country you can walk closed roads most...
  14. G

    Pack out pics

    Muley from CO in 2010
  15. G

    Pack out pics

    More blasts from the past. A couple more from AK. I actually think one of these is on the way in. We sure needed some advice from these lightweight gear threads :). First was a caribou hunt turned grizzly hunt. Second was a sheep hunt turned caribou hunt I believe. I love AK!
  16. G

    Pack out pics

    My Daughters first antelope on a OR youth hunt.
  17. G

    Pack out pics

    Sometimes it's tempting to carry too much when the pack out is not too far or is mostly downhill, closed road, short on time etc. It sure makes for nice meat cutting at home though. Front half (bone in) of an elk. Again much younger :).
  18. G

    Pack out pics

    Just scrolled through this thread. Tons of great pics and memories! I thought I'd post a few just for fun and may post more later. Sorry if I've posted these elsewhere already, but I had a lot of fun looking back through all of them! Second one is probably one of my favorite hunting pics ever...
  19. G

    Tailgate Pics

    AK 2011; hope to draw this tag again someday. Kind of like a tail gate on the boats :)
  20. G

    Tailgate Pics

    A coyote I trapped for a gal that was loosing house cats :).

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