Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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  1. RyGuy

    This is a good place

    Two days ago I received my new Leupold scope in the mail and I just wanted to give a big shout out to @schmalts because he was great! He got me a good price and was very helpful answering all of my questions and was patient with my delayed responses. Thanks so much! Any of you thinking about...
  2. RyGuy

    Just when you think you’ve got it figured out

    So dad drew a decent buck tag this year. It’s in an area we are super familiar with. We spend lots of time in this area even when we don’t draw deer tags, and in turn I’ve found a lot of dead heads/sheds: Hunting with my dear old dad is always an interesting experience. We’ve been hunting...
  3. RyGuy

    Anti-first post

    Okay all, instead of the classic “what’s everyone’s favorite unit? Not looking for honey holes or anything, BUT…” What’s your LEAST favorite place to hunt? Maybe it’s a glory tag that turned out to be not so glorious? Maybe it’s an easy to draw tag, that you quickly realized why it’s so easy to...
  4. RyGuy

    Better late than never, September deer hunt recap

    I hate to shift any focus away from the in depth discussions about mayo, timespace, or cheese sandwiches, because while that may not be the reason I created a profile it is one of the primary reasons I stick around here. But I also love to share hunting stories, and I’ve been meaning to post...
  5. RyGuy

    Life will never be the same. I’m so happy!

    Yesterday at 7:30pm my wonderful wife gave birth to our daughter, Lilah. After 24 hours of labor she was exhausted. Both mom and baby are healthy and doing great. My little girl is already an accomplished pooper (just like her daddy) and I couldn’t be more proud. She’s laying with me now as I...
  6. RyGuy

    Happy Halloween

    Anyone else carve a hunting/fishing related pumpkin?
  7. RyGuy

    Here’s my dilemma

    Alright HT, I need advice. So I’ve got a work friend here at my place of employment, and he knows I hunt but doesn’t hunt himself. He used to hunt in another state he lived in, but hasn’t hunted in years (not sure why all of this is important, but just trying to lay the backstory). He lives next...
  8. RyGuy

    First long walk of the year (day by day)

    Well, this last weekend was my first hunt of the season and it felt so good! The weather was bad (too hot), the game was scarce, my vehicle was less than ideal, and the hunters were everywhere, but I was so happy to get out and be in the woods again! I had a rifle bear tag in a unit I’ve hunted...
  9. RyGuy

    What do I do?

    Alright Hunt Talk, I need opinions. I was recently gifted a rifle from my grandfather and I plan on hunting with it this fall. I know we all strive to have the best possible glass while hunting, but this is more a question of what is serviceable. I have two low-quality scopes to chose from. The...
  10. RyGuy

    Scouting trip

    Went out this weekend and did a little camping/scouting with my wife. It was our 2 year anniversary, and it was nice to get away and spend some quality time together. We even saw some antelope. Including the buck that I will be hunting when the season starts. Hopefully I can find him again...
  11. RyGuy

    Elk cape

    Anyone have an elk cape they’re willing to sell? Looking for 11 3/4 x 28, but a little larger wouldn’t hurt. I’m looking at taxidermy.net but figured I’d check here too
  12. RyGuy

    I’ll miss you, Lilly

    Well, yesterday my parents and I had to make that tough decision we all dread making. We decided to put down our 15 year old lab Lilly. She was my childhood dog and was around for so many good hunts and big life moments. Our family lucked into Lilly when a friend of a friend had a young lab...
  13. RyGuy

    Feeling grateful

    I spent the afternoon today with family, which is always nice. Got to see my dad and drop off my elk antlers from a bull I shot in November. He dabbles in taxidermy and will be making a shoulder mount for me. I’m lucky to have him as a dad (for many reasons) but also because I couldn’t afford to...
  14. RyGuy

    Fish for the fryer

    Got to go out last weekend and caught a few fish! Excited to have a fish fry soon.
  15. RyGuy

    Caught a few

    Made it out on the lake with my dad and new puppy the other day. We caught a few nice fish and the pup did good! I wish there had been less wind so we could’ve done more fishing.
  16. RyGuy

    Colorado Mountain Turkey questions

    For those of you who hunt merriams in Colorado and Wyoming, when do you usually hear the most gobbles? I went on a hunt last year on opening day (April 10) and I heard a few gobbles, but the turkeys were mostly concentrated on private land. I think as the season progresses they move out of the...
  17. RyGuy

    How many days a year do you think about hunting?

    Hey all, I recently had a conversation with my wife and it got me thinking, how often do the folks of HT think about hunting? I mentioned to her that I figured it at least crosses my mind for a moment 360 days out of every year. And she laughed at me! She said I was in denial and it’s clearly...
  18. RyGuy

    Moms moose hunt

    This is the story of my Moms Colorado moose hunt from this past fall. Hopefully it doesn’t run too long, but we’ll see… First some background: I have been lucky enough to grow up in a hunting family. My dad has been taking me hunting since before I can remember, my sister hunted with us from a...
  19. RyGuy

    New member from CO

    Hello all, I’m a long time lurker but finally joined recently and I figured I should introduce myself. I grew up on the front range of Colorado hunting and fishing as often as possible. I love to hunt anything and everything from small game to waterfowl to elk and everything in between. I enjoy...
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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