PEAX Equipment

Search results

  1. E

    NV Antelope with Big Fin

    imagine my surprise/excitement when I got a text from Randy last month. He asked me if I was interested in joining him for a Nevada antelope hunt in August. I had joined him for his Bison Hunt in the Henry Mountains in Utah last year and it was epic (even though I did $26K damage to my truck)...
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    My new pursuit

    I recently returned from a 6 week Taxidermy School in Texas (Central Texas School of Taxidermy). After retiring from the Army, I have been looking for my next pursuit and I think this might be it. I really enjoyed doing the habitat stuff. Making rock bases, pedestals, etc falls right in line...
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    Best trophy Room I have ever seen

    One of my wife's clients has the best trophy room I have ever seen. He has been Sportsman of the year and holds many World Slams, etc. This year he will be donating all of his animals to the Natural History Museum in Houston (I think thats the place they are going). I will get the opportunity to...
  4. E

    New MR Crew Cab W/Nice Frame

    This setup is brand New and never been used even once. Yoke and waist belt are both size M. Attached link is the exact same bag setup. This system has the ventilation system on it but it can be removed is you don't like it. This is over 1/2 off for a brand new bag and frame. $260.00 TYD in the...
  5. E

    Why Hunt Talk is the BEST!

    While I'm sitting here at the wounded warrior transition unit here in Germany waiting for a ride to Andrews AFB on my way home, I have been reflecting on this latest deployment. I am not an active member of any forum other than this one. I was very surprised at the interest shown here about how...
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    Colorado's great Prairie Dog Massacre

    or Coyote thumping…….or something like that. I have been sitting here since the end of September, living vicariously through all of you…..wishing I could head out to the fields for some one way hunting (where the prey doesn't shoot back). When I get back, about the only things that will be in...
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    Initial Success or Total Failure!

    Initial Success or Total Failure That's the motto of EOD. It's on our T-shirts, bumper stickers and coffee cups. It doesn't always hold true, but it's the mindset that we go into every incident with. In Nov or 2004, I got away with a mistake that should have cost me my life. Yesterday a friend...
  8. E

    Why I can't wait to get home

    Enough posts about me. I would like to share the other side of my life and why I can't wait to get home. My family has made more sacrifices than I can count to enable me to run around the world and do what I love/hate. Just to name a few things that I have not been there for due to deployments...
  9. E

    Which arrow setup would you go with?

    So I have been doing my research on things like FOC and kinetic energy. I have narrowed my selection down to two different setups. 1. 419 grain (total) arrow (100gr broad head) Arrow speed = 312 fps, kinetic energy = 90.59 and FOC = 10.78% 2. 444 grain (total) arrow (125gr broad head) Arrow...
  10. E

    Election time in A-land

    Figured it was time for an update from the war front. I have moved out of the west to a new camp (Apache). It has been much busier here than it was in the West. The national elections are coming up shortly and we have been busy trying to secure the polling area around here. My new team of Green...
  11. E

    Memorial Chair. I will never forget!

    In 2010, while stationed at Ft. Polk, LA the 705th ORD CO (EOD) was running a demo range. When it was over, I asked the guys to help me get some of the ammo crates so that I could build an Adirondack chair out of the wood. Among those that helped were, Chauncy Mays, Chris Stark and Michael...
  12. E

    Arrow speed calculator

    I found this nifty little arrow speed calculator online. The reason I was looking for it is because I wanted to do some 3D shoots when I get back to the states. I thought that it might help me with gauging distances as well as shooting at...
  13. E

    Afghanistan man hunt

    With the interest shown in what life is like here, I wanted to take you though my most recent mission/hunt. I would have like to do it live but couldn't for two reasons. 1. Not internet or phone signal in most of Afghanistan. 2. Violates OPSEC So what I figured I'd do is go ahead and play it...
  14. E

    Afghanistan pics

    Just thought I'd give an update from the land of endless beaches…..but no ocean. Here you can see the versatility of the Mystery Ranch Crew Cab. It's the best bag we could find for carrying our dismounted robot. We have a bigger one that we carry on the truck but this one is supposed to be man...
  15. E

    Carbon Express Maxima Red Arrows

    I was wondering if any of you had some feedback on this arrow? My Team Member is learning to shoot and has broken about 10 of my arrows. I ordered 6 of the Red's and have read a lot of good things about them. Here is a good article about what goes into them...
  16. E

    Anyone recognize this hunting spot?

    I was kinda surprised at the response to the gear review thread on "A Soldiers transportation options". Everyone seemed to enjoy seeing some of what we were working with here. So I thought that I would try to post some pics more often with updates on things. Again I want to say thanks for...
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    A Soldiers hunting transportation

    Much like last years hunting trips in the states, I have yet to fill my insurgent tags on this deployment……so far. However, I thought that you might enjoy a gear review of the current transportation options that I have for this years 9 month hunting trip. Options one (least favorite) option is...
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    Ever see one of these animals?

    Unless you have seen this list before, there are probably several animals on here that you have not seen. As hunters, some of them will not be new. As Americans, many of these fascinating creatures are…….to me at least. :eek:
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    Military pension cuts

    I wish this cutting of military pensions didn't bother me as much as it does. The reality is………I do feel marginalized by this. It feels like a slap in the face for the sacrifices that my family and I have made to do what we do. Here I sit spending another Christmas in a land far away while the...
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    Registration leads to confiscation

    Canada is trying to warn us.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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