PEAX Equipment

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  1. hardscrabble

    Cooler choice

    I am finally going to pull the trigger on a high end cooler and I can't make a decision. Hoping a few out there have some pro's and con's on the choices I have narrowed my search down to. 1. Orca 75 quart 2. Engle 80 quart 3. Siberian 85 quart I am really leaning towards the Orca and not...
  2. hardscrabble

    2015 Dream Buck

    The hunt story behind this buck is very short. WSWAT and I followed him up into a small draw. He came out of the cover after a couple of minuets. Brent gave me the range and the shot came out perfect. The buck ran about 40 yards and tipped over. The amount of high fives and fist pumps was...
  3. hardscrabble

    Young hunters first turkey

    Two weeks ago WSWAT and I took my son on his first hunt. Easton tagged along with us last year and he had a blast. So this year it was time for him to get a tag of his own. In ND there is no minimum age to hunt turkeys as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Also first time youth...
  4. hardscrabble

    ND Spring Turkey

    This year was an off year for turkey hunting in west central ND. A low amount of snow this winter and a cold/windy spring had the birds spread out. This also left less than appealing weekends for hunting. This would be the first hunt for my son Easton to tag along with. We would be hunting...
  5. hardscrabble

    2nd ND Bow Buck

    I had a awesome 2013 season hunting with good friend WSWAT in the west central part of the state. He puts a lot of hard work into his hunting spots and is able to find great bucks every year. I spent a good part of September hunting and was able to take a nice buck the second weekend on...
  6. hardscrabble

    ND Archery Whitetail

    It has been a fun September hunting with good friend WSWAT. He puts a lot of time into setting stands and scouting for deer. With a number of good bucks on camera we were excited for season to open. The first weekend of the reservation season was slow with warm weather and farmers still...
  7. hardscrabble

    Six bearded turkey

    Spent last weekend hunting with good friend WSWAT. The birds were holding tight with hens but we were still able to have a great weekend and we put some nice birds on the ground. Friday morning found us set up waiting for gobbling toms to fly off the roost. When they finally came down they...
  8. hardscrabble

    Badlands Scouting Trip

    A friend of mine and I spent last weekend out in the badlands to check out this years crop of mule deer. With deer numbers down state wide our hopes were not to high to find lots of deer. Dispite the numbers I was still able to find some nice bucks. Hope you all enjoy a few pictures. A young...
  9. hardscrabble

    Canon Lens

    I am looking for some advise on a new lens for my wifes Canon T2i. Right now she is just running the "stock" EFS 18-55mm. Mainly she is using the camera for portrait shots of the kids and misc. photos. I am happy for her to have a hobby that she really enjoys so I would like her to be able to...
  10. hardscrabble

    Tough Day

    Today was one of the hardest days ever for me. My best hunting partner Enzo had to go to a better place. Enzo has battled epilepsy almost his whole life. We have treated it and he had been doing very well and enjoing life. Not entirely related to the epilepsy he had an esophagus condition...
  11. hardscrabble

    ND Mule Deer Scouting

    I made it out to the badlands for a second scouting trip this past weekend. Trip number two was much better than the first. We found three good bucks to go after this fall. I was only able to get pictures of two of them but did get a little video of the third one. I have really fallen in...
  12. hardscrabble

    First scouting trip

    I was able to sneak away for a evening and morning scout in the badlands last weekend. It is very green again this year with all the moisture. As a whole deer numbers are down again from last year. I only saw a handful of bucks but it was still a ton of fun to be back out. Hope you all enjoy...
  13. hardscrabble

    Displaced deer

    Recieved this in an email this morning. There is some serious flooding going on in Minot, ND from the Souris river. It would be interesting to find out what these deer ended up doing. Looks like a bad situation for the home owner and deer.
  14. hardscrabble

    Cats vs Bison

    Any body have any thoughts on how the NDSU vs MSU game will go? I suppose one this is for sure, it will be cold. I don't follow NDSU much I just thought it was interesting the ND against MT playoff game. I belive MSU is favored to win. Maybe my home team will pull one out :)
  15. hardscrabble

    ND Mule Deer

    I had been dreaming about have this tag for years now and had one buck in particular that I was looking for. We hunted hard for a total of six days and passed on many bucks looking for "the one". I passed on a real nice buck with a cheater on Friday morning that I probably should have taken...
  16. hardscrabble

    ND Elk Decison

    Muley1's once in a lifetime ND elk hunt begins tomorrow. He is out scouting right know and found a bull he is not sure of. He watched this bull last night and again this morning. I appologize for the picture quality as it came off his phone. What do you guys think? I think I will need to...
  17. hardscrabble

    Mule deer scouting

    Since everyone else from ND is posting scouting pictures I thought I would try and keep up. I have only made one trip out so far this year and I am going again in a couple weeks. It is amazing how green it is this year and I am pumped to have a rifle tag. Muley 1 has been out more than I have...
  18. hardscrabble

    It rained last week..

    Last Thursday we had some torential down pours here in West Fargo. My day care called and said I had better come and get the kids because water was coming in her basement. She said I should drive the truck because my wifes car wouldn't make it down the street... I thought, whatever...
  19. hardscrabble

    Camera help

    My wife and I are looking at getting a SLR camera, it will be our first one. We are hoping to stay in the 1K range. I think I have narrowed it down to the Nikon D5000 or the Canon T1i. I am thinking of getting a package deal with a 55-200mm lens, I figure that would be enough zoom for family...
  20. hardscrabble

    Bright Moon

    It is a blamy -1 outside but well worth it to check out the moon. I have never looked at the moon through my spotter before and I was amazed at what could be seen. It is supposed to be the brightest tonight. Set up the tripod and check it out.
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