Recent content by u1299

  1. U

    Well Made Sheep Hunt Video

    Hunt a little harder Gomer, they’re out there.
  2. U

    Well Made Sheep Hunt Video

    140? I see several 155 a few 165 class bucks every year Gomer but I’m looking for 170-180 class myself. Not many hunters where I go either but there are lots close to the roads, I get far away from those. No, I don’t shoot does, never have; don’t shoot cow elk either.
  3. U

    Well Made Sheep Hunt Video

    Not sure but I seem to sense a lot of sarcasm? Wonder if there’s a chance I’ll run into Jr. while hunting mule deer on public lands in SE Montana again this year?
  4. U

    Blaze Orange

    I don’t mind blaze orange so I always wear a vest, I would guess those who don’t like blaze orange will wear a hat. IMO it makes little difference but I’d assume most will prefer to wear a hat.
  5. U


    Well aware you didn’t specify just thought I’d mention it so we don’t unfairly make assumptions about any of these groups.
  6. U


    I’m not so sure these requests/proposals are coming from members of these specific groups rather from others who for various reason are sympathetic to these groups, be it vets, the elderly, the young, college students, the handicapped, etc, etc.
  7. U


    No rose colored glasses, just an ability to recognize character or severe lack thereof. That goes for Outdoor TV hosts as well, I bet you and I can both differentiate between Randy Newberg, Ryan Hatfield, Nate Simmons and Ted Nugent for instance.
  8. U


    Buzz is correct. I’m 62, don’t want, don’t need, don’t expect any special favors in any regards, not even when I’m 75 or 85. Can we please get over the impulse to show how much we care about Seniors by these type of feel good proposals.
  9. U


    Disagree, they are not all worhless, that’s a dumb comment IMO. Character matters, it matters a lot and it’s easy to spot if you just listen and watch, trust you’re own eyes and ears. Obama was one of the most dignified people to ever hold the office of President regardless what you thought of...
  10. U


    Nope, you’re wrong again, but keep trying.
  11. U


    Somebody screwed up by not pounding the chit out of the worthless little twit “Stephen Miller” when he was in grade school.
  12. U


    Well, when this gets hammered out, the President who you say has nothing to do with it will somehow take credit for solving it. Some things never change, all bad shit is the other guys fault all the good or perceived good the POTUS will take credit for, believe me!
  13. U

    Bundy headed to Montana

    No, not calling you crazy just referring to everybody who supports him.
  14. U

    National Park Service advisory panel resignations

    Cheney’s just another one of these dipshits you regurgitate the same old tired anti-government talking points. She doesn’t have a clue what the BLM does or what she’s talking about. What an idiot.

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