Recent content by ingomar

  1. I

    Bear Spray or Pistol? Both?

    A lot of very valid replies to this very important thread for those who hunt in Montana. A year or 2 back I took a 2 day course in Bozeman "Surviving a Griz attack". Got to visit with a griz trainer and his bear; Todd Orr came to describe his mauling; practiced trying to hit a charging bear on...
  2. I

    Where or How Do You Carry?

    BTW, both stay on my pants belt, which never comes off even when fouling the mountain!
  3. I

    Where or How Do You Carry?

    Took an interesting class last summer, "surviving a griz attack". They had a bear head posted on a target on rails that came at you for about 30 feet, and you had to get your bear spray out and hit the target before it got to you. I think only 1 person out of the 20 or so students was...
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    Montana HB 161-New bill to be heard

    Please review the text of the bill listed below primarily paying attention to the NEW SECTION at the beginning. New Section: NEW SECTION. Section 1. Requirements for decision making by director, department, and the commission. Except as...
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    Montana Hunters.....We Need Your Help

    This is a big issue for hunters, recreationists and the landowner. Just went to the DNRC website and while they have a link "email the Land Board", it will not open. I did email DNRC but not sure if it will get to the Board.
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    CWD in deer and elk

    Here is a great article on the current state of affairs concerning CWD in Montana and Wyoming. A long read, but well worth the time. Vito
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    Mystery Ranch's new SCAPEGOAT 25

    Just bought a MR Scapegoat 25 from Schnees. Tried it in the store with 50 LBs and it was comfortable. Have hiked up into the Bridgers with it twice with a 36 lb load and only a light T shirt. Did not cut into my shoulders or hips at all and handled the weight great. It should handle a boned...
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    Fishlake Thousand Lakes Plateau Utah elk hunt

    Does anyone have any experience hunting bull elk in the Fishlake Thousand Lakes Plateau in Utah during the Sept. rifle hunt? If so, any suggestions? Thanks
  9. I

    FIBULA breaks. Tell me some good news

    If you buy the brace, get the model that says "speed lace", saves lots of time.
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    FIBULA breaks. Tell me some good news

    Here is the brace the PT recommended: I still wear it ever time I go into the hills, it works great and...
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    FIBULA breaks. Tell me some good news

    Another thing. Be sure to go to the PT as often as possible. They wanted me to go twice a week and I said no, I wanted to come 3 times a week. The PT's told me that most patients do not come in as often as they should. They also had me icing it at least 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes...
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    FIBULA breaks. Tell me some good news

    Broke my lower bone near the ankle, had surgery and they put in a plate in mid July a few years ago. Out of the boot in 4 weeks, walking in regular shoes/hiking boots @ 5 weeks. Started hiking hills again on the 6th week and hunting on 9th week. Carried over 80# of elk at 12 weeks. Shoots...
  13. I

    Rob G - You and your big mouth (keyboard)

    Rob-will be glad to help out financially if you need to hire an attorney. Vito
  14. I

    2016 Montana Republican Party Platform

    What probably scares me the most is that the majority of the general population of Montana and the US won't get involved and really don't give a chit, but they will be the first to bitch if it comes into being!!
  15. I

    2016 Montana Republican Party Platform Above is a link to the 2016 Montana Republican Party Platform. Pay particular attention to page 13 where it states, "We support the granting of federally managed public lands to the state, and development of a...

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