Yeti GOBOX Collection

Recent content by FairWeather

  1. FairWeather

    Gun Owners Don't Vote

    I don’t understand how/why any eligible voter isn’t voting. In Oregon it could not be easier! Most times I return my ballot the same day it arrives, weeks before its final due date. I wish we’d adopt Australia’s model, and impose a small fine for NOT voting. It’s one of only 2 real duties we...
  2. FairWeather

    Gun Owners Don't Vote

    Gun owners aren’t a monolith. When we’re talking about initiatives, it’s pretty cut and dry. When we’re talking about candidates, there’s a long list of issues that are more important to me than gun rights, and their stances on those issues are going to be what drives my vote.
  3. FairWeather

    Stuff you don't like for no good reason

    I don’t like cross/push button safeties. They’re never set up to be convenient to quickly turn off and on with your hand in the shooting position. Does it matter? No…but it bugs me, so I pretty much only buy guns with tang safeties.
  4. FairWeather

    And the lies continue..

    Write back to the publication with these corrections. The only way to counter misinformation is with factual information.
  5. FairWeather

    Ban the biscuits and open flames!

    I have no sympathy for anyone who supports (bought a property in) an HOA. I’ll take neighbors with ugly lawns over neighbors who think they have a say over what I do with my own property 10 times out of 10.
  6. FairWeather

    Mobile hunting camp

    My wife and I have been considering getting a compact camper set up for a while. The 4 wheel project M is my top contender, but I hadn’t heard of the super pacific x-1 before. @Little Big Man MT Chris Had you looked into the Project M as well, and if so what made you opt for the X-1 instead?
  7. FairWeather

    Because Dad did!

    I’m really struggling to think of literally ANYTHING. My dad and I have very different tastes, and different passions. He busted his hump to become an M.D. in the 80s, and has developed expensive taste in most things since. Often, he comes across snobbish to me. I prefer the cheap stuff that’s...
  8. FairWeather

    ISO Affordable, quality lightweight sleeping bag.

    I use the patrol bag when I go camping, and generally I need to open it up because it’s too hot. I never camping in temps below freezing, though. When was in the army, however, I used the full system sleeping in the snowy winter in AK, and it worked great.
  9. FairWeather

    Someone told me a story

    Didn’t know! I had only been aware that Jim Bulushi had/has a weed farm near Medford.
  10. FairWeather

    Someone told me a story

    That’s cool as all get out. I had no idea any of those people had once lived in S. Oregon.
  11. FairWeather

    Centerfire rifles - your path

    I appreciate the lefty collection!
  12. FairWeather

    Centerfire rifles - your path

    Did you paint all of the stocks yourself?
  13. FairWeather

    School Me on Hunting In Grizz Country

    Having about 30 other people with you seems to work well as a deterrent. The only grizzly encounters I’ve had were on JBER. Had one wonder into the next platoon’s patrol base at night, and another time had 2 younger males false charge us at the ammo point. Having a group of a few dozen...
  14. FairWeather

    hydrogen power?

    It’d be cool if this ever gains traction. I’m still holding out hope that there will be more makers following the Maverick trend and making smaller hybrid trucks (hopefully with a more conventional bed size). My wife & I are pretty set on getting a cab over/slide-in camper & truck, but I want...

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