NEW SITKA Ambient 75



New member
Dec 15, 2000
Graham, WA, USA
Was just wondering if anyone has used this type of bipod. I was thinking of getting one, but before I shell out the dough I would like to know if anyone has had any experience with it. If you have any opinions on other types of bipods I would like to hear this also. Thanx all.
Hey I just happened to get one for christams. I havent been out in the feild to test it yet so I cant say how I will like it out there.I have always used the Harris bipod and liked it pretty good but harris is heaver.This snipepod is really light and looks to be built real good.One draw back that I can see is that I like to leave my bipod on all the time and this is made to be put on quickly.I also like to use the harris to set my rifle down and with the snipepod they dont recmend it due to the ball in socket design as it can do the splits.Hope this helps if there is anything I missed let me know and Ill help if I can.

Just got back from shooting some targets and I got to try out my new Snipepod.I used it off the bench and liked it better then I thought I would.I think It will work out real good in feild conditions.It was easer to put on and wasnt to bad to carry.I did like the fact that the legs have the ball in socket as it gives you alot more range then the harris bipod. So far so good.I think it will work better under field conditions.I did not get a chance to use it off the bench yet but when I do Ill let you know what I think.(Just in case any of you were wondering.LOL) It was a great day to be out shooting.

I bought a harris bi-pod 2 weeks ago. I tried it out yesterday for the first time. I put down the legs, laid down prone, and took out a dog first shot at 200-250 yards.