NEW SITKA Ambient 75



New member
Nov 16, 2023
Gday everyone. My name is Mark and I enjoy backpack hunting for Sambar Deer in Australia. I'm new to hunting I guess, only been doing it for 3 and a bit years but absolutely love it and the great places it takes me. Thanks for having me. BTW, thank the lord we don't have Bears in our country. 11 of the worlds deadliest snakes is fun enough.
"Snakes... I hate snakes!" Stolen from Indy.

Welcome to HT! Look forward to reading and seeing pics of your AU hunts and we have a fishing sub forum w/in HT. Don't be shy of your AU fishing endeavors!
Welcome to HuntTalk! Please consider posting a story about one of your hunts.

Count me in as one who prefers bears to snakes.
Welcome! Tell you what, it seems to me the red kangaroos will f$&k with people just because they’re jerks. Our bears attack deliberately in acts of defense or sourcing food.
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Welcome. You do have bears they just eat eucalyptus leaves and not people. Which is surprising for Australia!
Welcome. You do have bears they just eat eucalyptus leaves and not people. Which is surprising for Australia!
Yes we have been trying to alter their behaviour, as yet unsuccessfully. Thank you all for your welcome.