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Montana Candidate Forum

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
For those of you able to attend, or listen online, there is a very important candidate forum being held on August 15th, next Wednesday, in Billings.

I will be one of the three moderators, along with Andrew McKean of Outdoor Life Magazine and Seth Rodgers of the Montana Bowhunters Association.

It is not a debate, rather a forum for candidates to offer their ideas on topics important to Montana hunters and anglers. Candidates from the US Senate, US House of Representatives, and Montana Governor races have been invited. Will be interested to see which candidates are engaged in the issues and will attend.

The event is sponsored by Outdoor Life Magazine, Public Land and Water Access Association, and Montana Bowhunters Association.

Go here for more details -------->


It is your wildlife, your access, and your legacy. Hope you will attend or tune in to the live radio stream.
Cool! It would be interesting to have a fact checker post up the content for review. "not it!"

I'm looking forward to it, thanks for moderating, Randy!

what time for online? and is there a site set for it?

Watch it live here:

Forum Schedule of Events

5:30 - 6:15P - Introductions & U.S. House Candidates Forum
6:15 - 6:20 - Break
6:25-7:10 - Introductions & MT Gubernatorial Candidates
7:10 - 7:15 - Break
7:15-8:00 - Introductions & U.S. Senate Candidates
8:00 - Event Ends

My bad, I could have done a bit of research prior to my post...
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No shortage of BS coming from all directions, but Rehberg and Tester seem to have the market cornered.
They need to turn of the BS, and tell the truth.
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OK! Whose idea was it to plan this on the antelope archery opener? Looks like I'm going to have to watch it over the weekend...looking forward to seeing it.
I will most likely be in the back country too, so I hope the video feed will be up when I return. Or maybe someone will post it to youtube? It will be interesting to see if all players show up. I hope so. Our senate race has national implications. Last I heard 70% of the money in both camps was coming from nonresidents and groups.
So, tonight is a "tele-town hall" conference to get the best questions from the audience. You can call in and provide your request for topics to a group of people who are taking them, then giving them to us three panelist to discuss and hopefully boil down to the most important topics the callers have. Those will be the questions used for the forum participants tomorrow.

If you want to call in and provide your comments and topics of concern, here is the call in number

(888) 886-6603 EXT 19611#

I have never done one of these, so I hope I don't make a fool of myself. The fun starts at 7:00pm. Hope some with concerns will call in and provide their questions for the candidates.
And for those who don't have time to call in, feel free to leave your questions on this thread and I will add them to those we get from the conference call tonight.
Randy, I'm certain you have thought about most of the topics I would like covered like:
** What specific plans do they have to increase hunting and fishing opportunities for notguided, nonleasing hunters and anglers?

** Do they support the public trust doctrine?

** What are their plans for keeping conservation and habitat money in the farm bill?

Thanks for being willing to participate in this forum. Don't forget they ARE politicians and they will tell you what ever they think you want to hear to vote for them!!