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Guest Request


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2016
Markesan, WI
Randy (@Big Fin ),

I don't have a particular individual in mind but I believe it would be a very interesting podcast if you could find an individual that is against the concept of hunting or was in their past strongly against hunting (and now has a different viewpoint). If this individual could intelligently present their viewpoint and create a strong discussion around their feeling about hunting I think it would open up the minds of the listeners to understand where the opposition comes from. Often as hunters we are quick to judge and defend our passion and maybe by learning a few of the other sides deep concerns about hunting we could as hunters find alternate ways to approach and discuss with those we know and meet that don't share the same passion. I think it would also be beneficial to hear how you rebuttal some of these concerns during this conversation. I think a professional chef or veterinarian would be potential good places to look.
It sounds like you’re coming from a good place with this request but would push back on the need for the individual to now have a different viewpoint more favorable to hunting and Randy to use rebuttals against the person and their former position. Too often we are ready to talk back at a person Rather than talk with and just be ok with where they’re at with something as these conversations tend to be less acrimonious and educational for both parties. I’ve learned this with my birding friends and feel more connected with them because of it.
There are actually several podcasts/online places with this exactly. Not that BF couldn't do one as well, but if you are interested they are out there. Myself, I have found their journey to hunting interesting.
If you are looking for apologetics that are pro-hunting, I'd suggest starting with Don Thomas' "How Sportsmen Saved the World." Don wrote it with those opposed to hunting, but willing to talk, in mind.
As Matt R said, many people today are listening to respond, not to understand. If you want to understand, going to the primary source (their blogs, etc.) is beneficial. Having an anit-hunter on the podcast I feel there is little to gain and more to loose.
There are actually several podcasts/online places with this exactly. Not that BF couldn't do one as well, but if you are interested they are out there. Myself, I have found their journey to hunting interesting.
If you are looking for apologetics that are pro-hunting, I'd suggest starting with Don Thomas' "How Sportsmen Saved the World." Don wrote it with those opposed to hunting, but willing to talk, in mind.
As Matt R said, many people today are listening to respond, not to understand. If you want to understand, going to the primary source (their blogs, etc.) is beneficial. Having an anit-hunter on the podcast I feel there is little to gain and more to loose.
No you are right on. The hope would be to get the audience to that understanding rather than arguing. Sorry, that's not exactly what I meant by rebuttal. I too agree that understanding is what we sometimes miss as hunters and perfect proof of that is the article thread I just started from NG. Its completely hard for me to understand how this writer can twist the facts so bad in that article to get her opinion across about how she feels about hunting.
I agree with the concept and the comments shared here. There’s an opportunity to listen in on a genuine conversation here. Personally I’m tired of hearing debate, back and forth styles. And the idea to hear people conversing is a great one. Great idea!
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