NEW SITKA Ambient 75


I get the feeling someone can't differentiate between their opinion and fact.
The fact was it took over a month for the _________ to decide that the guy was only protecting his family and was not some malicous wolfkiller.
My Opinion is it should have taken the rest of that day to decide that. My opinion that the rest of the lawabiding public is intimidated too much to do anything without first getting permission.
Well I finally went to that link and read that book review. Figured I better so I'd know what all of you were getting so worked up over. I read it, and I don't see a thing wrong with it. It was a good book review, just like Ithaca said. In fact, I may just see if I can find a copy of that book so I can read it myself. So what if it is an environmental web site. In many cases, I think environmentalists are the only groups that are willing to tell the truth. Other people don't want the truth to get out because it may affect some people financially, in a negative way. Well I see nothing with a book that informs people of what is really going on.
Wash., I'm glad you liked the book review!
Sure got MD all worked up, didn't it!!
It musta been a couple months ago when I posted the book review link and she's been screaming about the site it's on ever since!

All I gotta do is post a link to some site like this:

and it drives a few people here up the wall!
Yeah I don't know what the deal is Ithaca. Some people on here just seem to think you are anti-hunting just from a link that you post. It's not like you haven't posted enough pictures of you with dead animals to prove otherwise.
They all know I'm not anti-hunting and they know I spend lots of time working on F&G issues to try to increase hunting opportunities for all of us. Some of them just attack me and harrass me 'cuz they don't have a life of their own.
Gives me an opportunity to get my "save the wildlife habitat" message out though, so it's OK.