PEAX Equipment

Alexis Strikes Again...


New member
Nov 21, 2001

This weekend was the state wide juvenile hunt. We started off hunting on a WMA on Saturday, but it was very, very windy...30+ mph wind gusts from daylight till dark. We only saw one doe...but it saw us first and ran away. But it was a great trip! Spending time with Alexis in the woods the entire weekend was great...nothing else can compare! :cool:

Here she is passing time drawing SpongeBob characters...


So we came back home this afternoon and did a little hunting at the house like last year. About an hour before dark a little 3 point came into our food plot. I asked her if she wanted to shoot him and she said yes. She fired off her .308 at 60 yards and he fell right in his tracks. hump

She immediately jumped up and high fived me with a grin on her face a mile wide. She makes me very proud.

This was the first time in 5 years that I forgot my Hunttalk Hat :mad: And I really needed it...cause my hair is getting really white :D

Flipper, WOW, you do need to color your hair ;)

Seriously though, Tell her to slow down or you guys won't have a Deer population left in the next couple years, She's on a Big roll !!!! Thats AWESOME !!!!! Congrats again !!!
that's awesome, congrats to her, and to you for the company she is in the field.