PEAX Equipment

Search results

  1. P

    The question "Why?"

    Why start this thread?
  2. P

    Calf dressing.

    Dairy barn in wi. I did the opposite.
  3. P

    Calf dressing.

    I am all hat, no cattle. What is calf dressing?
  4. P

    Old scopes... that work

    I still have 11 1960s leupolds mounted on pre 64 model 70s, never had 1 fail yet.
  5. P

    Boy did I find powder.

    Very kind, but no plans even tho I used to leave there 40 years ago.
  6. P

    Fish on!!!!! Epic winter/spring/summer time fun

    8 wt. #5 clauser, too much fun.
  7. P

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    And mt. Voted Tester in? No wonder this thread continues. I moved out in 82. Really sad. Hunted the breaks every year. Can't believe this is mt. And tester will win again? He voted 99% for dementia Joe policies. Grow a pair and Vote!!! Or stfu. So sad.
  8. P

    PA Sunday Hunting ban repealed?

    Blue laws for Sunday buying cars, beer, and hunting is insane last century stupid. And these are the same states where 1st cousin wedding are legal?? Lol.
  9. P

    Fish on!!!!! Epic winter/spring/summer time fun

    Luv smallies!!!
  10. P

    Boy did I find powder.

    Nope, got it dialed with 209.
  11. P

    Friday tunage - Get me through this day

    The lap dance is always better when the stripper is crying. Look it up.
  12. P

    Father / Son Time

    My dad passed 17 years ago, was #223 for a slam, passed it on to my son, now he is a lead bio on the beaver team. Pass it on.
  13. P

    Fish on!!!!! Epic winter/spring/summer time fun

    Heading to lac de mill in nw Ontario for year 22.
  14. P

    throwing good app money after bad and repeat

    And cow taste great, besides you run out of wall room.
  15. P

    Got my ram back !

    Great mount idea. I might redo my desert.
  16. P

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    Geez, chill out. I have a boat in Dana, the best whitetail property' on the planet, 120 bowkills, 200 with gun, I duck and bird hunt, I live 12 miles from you. Get engage in the o.c. hunt community. This is a great website with nice, logical guys. Make an effort to get involved locally. Please...
  17. P

    Boy did I find powder.

    I need buckhorn 209...any ideas?
  18. P

    throwing good app money after bad and repeat

    I played a 35 year long game and drew a desert ram tag last year. Or you can jump the line like John Gallo Jr. For 240k and get the same tag. Or you can stroke a 70k check for baja and kill a shaved hoove, pen raised ram. Throw app.$$ against the wall because it won't stick on your coffin. " fly...