PEAX Equipment

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  1. L

    Nevada Area 24

    The small hills don't have numbers like in Vietnam,so okay glass Hill 391.
  2. L

    Oregon vs Nevada, what’s better value?

    Nevada has tons of deer,so I think Nevada would be better,also doesn't take but a few points to draw a Buck tag.
  3. L

    Nevada Area 24

    Liot's of huge deer in that area,right out in the high desert, glass the hillsides for sure.
  4. L

    Alaska's Rivers Of Rust.

    Oh man,wonder what the Asians are going to do when the seafood starts seriously going bye bye.
  5. L

    West coast salmon recovery

    Nobody to blame but our own no balls government that is afraid of hurting China's feelings.
  6. L

    Is rock climbing compatible with Wilderness designation

    Yeap,Americans need too stop all the destruction of our parks and Nature areas.
  7. L

    Montana People - Have You Seen This Man

    Tons of them living on the side of the roads in vans also. Montana is now getting all the homeless thanks to Yellowstone.
  8. L

    Is rock climbing compatible with Wilderness designation

    Rock climbing should be illegal,as they leave junk attached to rocks that destroy the beauty of the mountains,just like offroading.
  9. L

    Red tide in Florida

    Nobody is touching the sugar industry, so don't bother as the owners have every single politician bought.
  10. L

    Montana People - Have You Seen This Man

    Most likely he is a member here on this site.
  11. L

    Shed poacher

    Personally the whole idea of it being illegal picking up a bone from animal that sheds them every year too me, seems like the government/Wildlife dept. only cares about getting THEIR share of the money like usual.
  12. L

    Gophers Are Out

    Very nice Weatherby
  13. L

    Wolves in Nevada???

    Wolves have the right too live anywhere,if they kill other animals,well that's what Wolves do,geez.
  14. L

    Nevada - Is it Worth it?

    Simple,he doesn't want competition, so he talks down about Nevada.
  15. L

    Nevada - Is it Worth it?

    That's okay,thousands of other hunters thank you.
  16. L

    Nevada - Is it Worth it?

    I draw just about every other year.
  17. L

    Nevada - Is it Worth it?

    Nevada has HUGE Mule deer,and it's easy to draw a tag,so yes should be top of your list.
  18. L

    Thank You Montana

    Nobody care's about NR anymore.
  19. L

    Javalina 37a hunt

    Drive,stop and glass too locate pigs is about how everybody in Arizona does it,try walking everywhere in Arizona with all the super thick cactus and see what gets all over you. You walk after you spotted pigs.
  20. L

    Javalina 37a hunt

    Yeap we did not even see a single animal,saw lots of foxes,coyotes,rabbits,deer,quail,doves and everything in between,but not a single pig.
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