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  1. riv3rbanks

    New Vortex Spotter

    I didn't intend to start a debate on optics. Sorry guys. I will use my junk in private from now on.
  2. riv3rbanks

    New Vortex Spotter

    One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
  3. riv3rbanks

    New Vortex Spotter

    This little guy seems like a future purchase. Currently have the smaller Viper scope, but this is about half the weight and likely much better...
  4. riv3rbanks

    PSA: Turnpike's new album dropped today

    Album should be sitting in my mailbox later today.
  5. riv3rbanks


    Here we go again...
  6. riv3rbanks


    They sure are handy. I would take one as one of my 10 items allowed on Alone.
  7. riv3rbanks


    Sawzall did most of the cutting. Previous subfloor had nails missing the rafters and would've ruined that multitool blade quick. Sawzall wood and nails blade made quick work of those. Jigsaw was to clean up the cuts and make it as straight as possible and for the hole where the toilet flange...
  8. riv3rbanks


    Replaced some water damaged subfloor last night. It was a blast!
  9. riv3rbanks

    Meat hauling capable daypack

    MR Guide Light MT Frame with the Backstrap. Drybag to hold whatever he may need or just a daypack lid to strap on top once you put some meat in it.
  10. riv3rbanks


    I bought a 1970's house in May that needs a bit of work so I feel your pain. So much to do and so hard to stay focused on any one particular task. Home Depot has become a 2nd home and everyone who's come over to see it keeps telling me how much work I have ahead of me. Hoping all the hard work...
  11. riv3rbanks


    Why would you suggest this?
  12. riv3rbanks

    Which Caliber for Elk

    Go buy a completely new caliber gun that will do the same thing as any of your current ones.
  13. riv3rbanks

    Plumbing Questions

    I was hoping someone here could help explain what might be going on here. I bought an older house and it looks like some of the plumbing was either reworked or replaced. The picture below is under a bathroom sink. I am wanting to install some shutoff valves for my hot and cold and looking for...
  14. riv3rbanks

    Sh*t our kids do

    This right here makes it all worth putting up with their stuff on a day to day basis.
  15. riv3rbanks

    Sausage making for a total beginner

    Get a stuffer and if you are going to freeze or cook right after making them, no curing salt is necessary. If you are going to smoke them or let them hang for a few days in a cool environment, I would add the curing salt.
  16. riv3rbanks

    Brisket cooking time

    225-250 degrees. Cook the brisket for 45-1 hr per pound. 10lb brisket can take about 8-10 hours. Looking for an internal temp of 200-203ish when you pull. Wrap in foil or paper once you pull. It will continue to cook while it rests. You should let it rest for at least an hour before serving...
  17. riv3rbanks

    Elk in unit 74 Colorado

    I would say you're good that far in to get away from any crowds. During first rifle, there may not be any snow to speak of, but there is always a chance when you are up that high. I would also say 9k plus is a good elevation to get into some elk. Focus on the north-facing slopes and pick every...
  18. riv3rbanks

    Elk in unit 74 Colorado

    We had a good time and got into some elk after two days of glassing. The elk we were chasing were not trophies but they were legal. This country is steep but beautiful. Unfortunately, we came home empty-handed but definitely learned some things. Don't chase elk into the valley, wait until they...
  19. riv3rbanks

    Backpacking tents/sleep systems... thoughts?

    It sounds like it's time for separate tents. Your requirements vs your dad's requirements are different. You could easily take that lightweight 2-person tent and just run the rain fly and a tarp for more space, and your dad can purchase a 1-2 man lightweight tent that he can set up however he wants.

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