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  1. B

    Gun Owners Don't Vote

    This is a very important point and I have asked myself this question numerous times. I believe that hunters and gun owners don't vote at a very high rate, along with rural citizens. Once upon a time, the NRA did a decent job getting gun owners to the polls. Their recent loss of credibility and...
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    Muley Freak in trouble?

    I don’t get it. Does a reputable company like NF with huge GOV and tactical sales really need these low-rent instafamous influencers?
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    House of Representatives votes to remove gray wolves from endangered species list

    In many instances these serial litigants are the same anti-hunting orgs that “found plenty of evidence” to eliminate bear and mountain lion hunting in various western states. Politicians definitely make things difficult.
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    Tim Sheehy?

    Interesting thread. As a Colorado resident, I am pretty envious of Montana voters who get to pick between a conservative republican and a moderate democrat in a statewide election. Down here I’d be pretty happy about Jon Tester or Tim Sheehy as a senator.
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    Grizzlies in the Bighorns

    Haaland’s testimony on committees and before Congress is so bad, it is truly hard to watch. Her inability to answer simple questions and incessant stumbling makes you question her competency and ability to lead a department.
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    Cougar hunting proposal comment period

    Yes, the anti-hunting animosity comes out pretty clear with some of the commissioners. Their willingness to completely ignore the recommendations of the WDFW staff is frightening.
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    Washington state cougar management proposals comment period

    Anti-hunting groups (Center for Biological Diversity, Washington Wildlife First, WildEarth Guardians, etc) have gained majority control of the commission through the Governor. Same thing is happening in Colorado currently. Comments submitted.
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    Cats Aren't Trophies

    Definitely light on facts. Probably the most compelling is their survey data that the majority of Coloradans oppose “trophy hunting”. Likely from Rebecca Niemec’s Center for Anti-Hunting Policy at Colorado State University, same folks that predicted the wolf reintroduction vote would be 60-40...
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    Proposed Dolores Canyons National Monument

    I think a lot of rural county residents in Colorado probably feel frustrated with federal and state government. They feel abandoned and believe state and federal government make policies that generally disfavor rural residents. Now whether those feelings are justified is a whole other...
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    Colorado wolves release update

    Unencumbered by a re-election effort, Polis is really seeking to disadvantage rural Colorado residents, particularly ranchers, farmers, and hunters. It is hypocritical for him to claim that voters were aware of the damage wolves would do to livestock when the pro-wolf activists he supported...
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    What makes a "good" hunter?

    Aside from addressing the OP very well, some pretty good advice in there on becoming a better hunter.
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    Cats Aren't Trophies

    Yep. This was never a “grassroots” movement. CATS brought in Samantha Miller Bruegger, former executive director of Washington Wildlife First, after her success in eliminating spring bear hunting and flipping the Washington Wildlife Commission to an anti-hunting majority. The major proponent is...
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    Boulder Hunting Ban

    Agree to disagree. I see hunting making a positive impact in many people’s lives and I see hunters making an overall positive impact. Are we perfect? No, but I see more good than negative. You may be correct about folks in Boulder, I don’t have any definitive polling/survey data. I think most...
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    Boulder Hunting Ban

    I think I understand your sentiment but I try to refrain from casting a large community as arrogant, unintelligent assholes. Pretty certain the Boulder power brokers are looking to eliminate hunting and gun ownership to the extent possible. And I find it hard to believe that their intent is...
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    Boulder Hunting Ban

    Lewd comments? Really? Didn’t see any comments that were offensive in a sexual, vulgar way. Ignorant? Possibly, but I believe that’s a bit of a stretch also. Do I believe that insulting non-hunters is counter-productive, absolutely. But eliminating hunting on public land over bogus “safety”...
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    Fresh Tracks Weekly - Reform the EAJA for wildlife

    Maybe judges should do better in limiting this type of litigation. That may be a separate issue from EAJA reform though. Clearly the EAJA writers had the best of intentions when crafting this legislation, protecting the ability of citizens with little means to challenge the government in court...
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    Stoking the fire

    Great post. I find that many times the planning, preparation, and pursuit are the truly enjoyable parts of hunting.
  18. B

    Good for you Botswana

    And the German ban on “trophies” will actually hurt wildlife in Africa. Botswana is also being honest about that.
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    Good for you Botswana

    If the ban won’t affect trophy hunting in Botswana then why is the Botswana government so upset? Seems weird. It’s about desired outcomes. Pretty obvious that the desired outcome of the ban is to eliminate Germans from trophy hunting in places like Botswana.
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    Good for you Botswana

    My point is that when people use the term “trophy hunting” it means very different things to different people. When most folks here use the term it has no emotional baggage or ill intent, just plainly describing the nature of the hunt. These informed individuals also understand the conservation...
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