Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. Trial153

    Fly Tying/Fishing Thread

    Mostly around the Keivchek, but we will fly around from there as well. silvers and Rainbows are on my menu this trip
  2. Trial153

    Really, Wyoming?

    I think the State should bare some measure of culpability in this. The listing of wolves as vermin and allowing them to be run down snow mobiles sets the tone. Are we really surprised when an a low class idiot follows suit? The racial innuendos are out of line. There is no place for it...
  3. Trial153

    Plate ‘em up

    Homemade Focaccia bread with smoked mozzarella and truffle infused olive oil!
  4. Trial153

    Newfoundland Moose

    I have bowhunted NL for moose five times and Caribou once. My bulls are, 40,37 and 42. My caribou scored well in P&Y. My father is three for three on Moose with a 38 and 40. A bull with paddles is totally doable. My suggestion is go to outfitter that has fly in areas as you will have a lot...
  5. Trial153

    Really, Wyoming?

    Wo Real Mercian patriots around the country stoped reading when they got to “rules.” Now we’re busy buying rounds of drinks for this American hero. FYI duct tape is sold out from Sheridan to Laramie, so I hear. Might be a few rolls left in Park County though.
  6. Trial153

    Really, Wyoming?

    Negative. While pink might be a lighter shade than Red, I feel both adjectives are needed to fully encompass the wolf loving leftys.
  7. Trial153

    Really, Wyoming?

    Only a comie pinko lib would have an issue with this.
  8. Trial153

    Good for you Botswana

    Sounds like she is out of my price range …give this guy a shout though… [email protected]. You can call us at 1-866-276-6302.
  9. Trial153

    Good for you Botswana

    How much she weight about? Score? Pm on the way
  10. Trial153

    Good for you Botswana

    Only the amateurs pay broker prices, the smart conservationists take an advantage of the government subsidies and buy it from a nonprofit. If I am going out of my way to feed the peons I sure as hell expect some positive tax implications. Merica
  11. Trial153

    Really, Wyoming?

    They should be checking this guys browser history
  12. Trial153

    Good for you Botswana

    I think a better question has to do with making it palatable to 99% of the people in countries that don’t hunt yet have a say in how their laws are passed. There is not a lot of commonality to be found between Joe public and Joe trophy hunter who is spending more disposable income on week...
  13. Trial153

    Good for you Botswana

    I would bet the 90/10 rule applies. 90% of the money ends up in about 10% of the pockets involved. I always wondered what the Africans ate before someone sold their wildlife to out of country hunters who are nice enough to kill it the for the poor local saps. I am all for trophy hunting...
  14. Trial153

    Good for you Botswana

    The classless clown has spoken^ carry on. They should be protected and managed regardless of assigned monetary value. If you or I want to pay to trophy hunt I don’t think that’s a bad thing. However I am calling a spade a spade and I sure as hell don’t think that you or I really give a shit...
  15. Trial153

    Good for you Botswana

    Thats nether here nor there when it comes to defending hunting at legitimate human activity. I mean is that how far we have fallen? We can only present an argument to defend and conserve the parts of the ecosystem that we assign a monetary value?
  16. Trial153

    Good for you Botswana

    Not for nothing, if we are going to defend hunting we need to come up with a better starting strategy then covering ourselves with bullshit then hoping the non hunters don’t smell it on us. Hunting is conservation. Blah blah …as long as I am getting that premier sheep tag for my 200k …or...
  17. Trial153

    AZ auction tags going away

    I feel like the federal government should be subsidizing auction tags, to the tune of about .35 cents on the dollar …that number seems about right to me. Hunting is conservation.
  18. Trial153

    Airport drinking

    I have met some fantastic people in airport bars during delays!
  19. Trial153

    Fixing social security

    If we as a society can’t see the value in helping to care for the elderly and infirm then we are morally bankrupt no matter how financially sound we maybe. I really scoff at the idea that individual philanthropy is the answer versus investing in a society that collectively looks after its own...
  20. Trial153

    Lavina Montana

    Thanks everyone that reached out and helped. My wife and I had great little trip. We flew in Sheridan and spent a morning looking at the property my father and I purchased last fall. I was very surprised how much my wife liked the property. We the went up to lavina area and looked at a...
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