Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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  1. MTGomer

    Guide tipping question

    What kind of hunt is it? The only guided hunt I’ve done is or been on is horseback dall sheep. One was a hunt I won and another was a hunt I tagged along on. On those hunts it was light 22-24 hours a day and we hunted hard. The first time I went I was shocked Seeing how hard they worked...
  2. MTGomer

    How much $ would you pay?

    drinking and driving across the prairie vs hard work in bad weather in the mountains. Uncle likes his comforts.
  3. MTGomer

    throwing good app money after bad and repeat

    I drew a kaibab tag with 0 last year. Planning on late rifle on the strip this year.
  4. MTGomer

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    SP 500 is up 59.3% without dividend reinvesting and not adjusted for inflation since this thread was started. Ignore the noise and buy https://dqydj.com/sp-500-return-calculator/
  5. MTGomer

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    Maybe RS isn’t so bad.
  6. MTGomer

    Gun Owners Don't Vote

    This is why I don’t understand so called conservatives being against absentee voting. I vote in every election. If I have to take the day off work, and drive 45 minutes to someplace, stand in line, I’m probably just not going to do it. Rural people already don’t vote at a very high rate. That...
  7. MTGomer

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    remember like 15 years ago when people used to call things “gay“ but it didn’t have anything to do with anybody’s sexual preference? It was a slur, but a non bigoted one. That’s Rokslide.
  8. MTGomer

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    I killed some rams without drilling holes in the handle of my toothbrush. Thats why they hate me. #ultralite
  9. MTGomer

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    I quit being able to log into my account after a the topic of buying and selling wildlife coordinates was brought up. I think I said anybody that does that is a lazy douche bag. Turns out, one of the owners of RS sells coordinates of wildlife, like a lazy douche bag. I’m not saying he made it...
  10. MTGomer

    And the lies continue..

    I guess I consider Hunting that is not primarily for subsistence as trophy hunting. For example, passing a Whitetail doe in your backyard in Western Montana, on opening morning, so you can travel to Eastern Montana and hunt Mule deer, which then you will pass the first two-point you see so you...
  11. MTGomer

    And the lies continue..

    It’s not what we should use for a PR campaign.
  12. MTGomer

    And the lies continue..

    My viewpoint: grizzly hunting is trophy hunting. Trophy hunting is good. Since trophy hunting is good, trophy hunting should happen. Since trophy hunting should happen, grizzly hunting should happen. Hunting is conservation. Conservation is Hunting. hunting protects species, Therefore species...
  13. MTGomer

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    yes. That’s why the right to say misogynist things is 19x more important than it is that women vote (sarcasm font is on)
  14. MTGomer

    Dall's Sheep and Mountain Caribou Raffle

    I’m gonna buy some of these. I’ll already be at the next concession to the south the month prior, but it only makes sense to go again if possible.
  15. MTGomer

    Ban the biscuits and open flames!

    I recently found while shopping for insurance for my new house, that not all insurances are the same. One place would not insure us due to the wildfire risk of living in the forest. There’s not a tree bigger than a pussy willow or the neighbors crab apple within a half a mile of the house.
  16. MTGomer

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    If you asked them if they supported hunting, or supported rich people ‘trophy hunting’, being prioritized over locals hunting for food, many would say no. All in the wording But also…. It’s New Mexico. Many of the people you’d interview are addicted to drugs and might try to steal your car.
  17. MTGomer

    Montana Mule Deer Raffle

    Does Wyoming only have one? They have several for sheep, which drops the per tag price by a fair amount.
  18. MTGomer

    Montana Mule Deer Raffle

    It is more than the Montana tag usually auctioned for. (Which means going to a raffle was a good choice) I just looked it up here: https://www.huntinfool.com/resources/statewide-permits Look at what other states bring in in auctions. Probably hard to get numbers on what they bring in in...
  19. MTGomer

    Montana Mule Deer Raffle

    Raising $56,000 off of the statewide MD tag being considered a success, highlights what a disgrace Montana mule deer management is.
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