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  1. S

    FWP being systematically dismantled

    I didn't mean they get money directly, its not like a payout to them. They get the materials and sometimes the man power to put up those fences. It costs money to put up fences though.
  2. S

    FWP being systematically dismantled

    I also know folks who work there. I know ranchers that have gotten money for fences/hay and other things because they claim there are too many elk on their property and they are destroying their hay/fences. These are ranches that don't allow public hunting at all but they get money from FWP...
  3. S

    Gun cleaning frequency

    Every time I shoot it. Several reasons for this. As someone else mentioned I shoot Barnes and it requires cleaning. Also if you shoot until it starts shooting bad, when do you notice that it is off? I don't want to notice when the biggest elk I've seen in my life is standing in my line of...
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    Pack Rats

    <iframe src="" width="480" height="274" style="" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
  5. S

    To hang bear bags or not to hang bear bags when backcountry hunting.

    Hanging your food certainly works if done correctly. It doesn't have to be a super special bag or anything. Just make sure any food contents are wrapped in ziplocks or other airtight bags and hang it. So basically all the food is in airtight bags and then all those bags go inside the hanging...
  6. S

    Fenix headlamp?

    I have a fenix with 2 rechargeable batteries. Get 2 rechargeable's and you won't have to worry about it dying on you. I also take a separate cheap headlamp as a back up just in case something goes wrong. Taking care of an animal after dark without a headlamp is more than a chore.
  7. S

    West coast salmon recovery

    I was there last week. Was the most salmon I have ever seen coming through at one time. They were stacked up behind the fish counter window because all of them couldn't fit through the small slot fast enough. Quite a few Chinook coming through then too.
  8. S

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    So this is the reason for the 2nd part of my comment, that the felony charge or not shouldn't be the only determining factor. This is the tougher question to me. Where exactly do you draw the line on the mental health/disorders? How do you determine what is too bat shit crazy to responsibly...
  9. S

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    If they haven't been convicted of a felony my opinion is they shouldn't be denied the ability to buy and bear guns. I am not saying being a felon is the end all answer of whether a person should be able to do so though. I'm more curious on the drug question though. Is there actually people...
  10. S

    FWP Fisheries Director Ousted?

    It has not always been that way, but for the last 10-12 years or so it has been. Yes, a fair number of biologist know what the situation is with mule deer but are handcuffed by the agency. Some send in their recommendations for their area that would help the situation and are rejected before...
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    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    Jin, you need another message or 2 so I can send you a message.
  12. S

    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    I considered just buying points for goat this year but decided that was foolish.
  13. S

    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    17 points on elk 14 points on goat
  14. S

    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    Son of a..... I drew a mountain goat tag. I also drew a special permit elk tag. First year I have ever drawn much of anything and I get 2 tags that are essentially once in a lifetime tags. Time to get to figuring out how I am going to manage my time.
  15. S

    Guide recommendations for MT spring bear (not full blown outfitter hunt)?

    Good luck. Guides usually don't want anything to do with somebody unless they want the full experience. Why? Because they make more money doing it that way. They don't want to invest all the time, money, and energy into somebody that only wants certain amenities (tell me where the bear is)...
  16. S

    What to do with Barnes XLC ammo?

    I think what you meant to say here is it would be a bit too much fun. I had these loads back in the day, killed a few elk with them. The blue was pretty ridiculous looking though.
  17. S

    2024 Draw results

    17 points burned on elk for me. First elk permit for me. I can finally hunt the area I can see from my front door.
  18. S

    Statistics for differentiating between groups?

    Statistically 5 shots isn't enough. What if those 5 shots all went in the hole just on sheer luck. It's an extreme example but possible with only 5 shots. Think of it like flipping a coin. If you have a quarter and a penny and the quarter goes heads 5 times in a row and the penny goes heads...
  19. S

    Statistics for differentiating between groups?

    Statistics guy here. You definitely need more than 5 shots. I would suggest 20 as an absolute minimum. There are a lot of very complicated ways you can analyze this. But I would do as VikingsGuy suggested and just do a standard t-test. I did something similar many years ago in testing the...
  20. S

    Buying binos sucks

    I bought a pair of mid range Meoptas 2 years ago and have been very happy with them. I would be too afraid to get and use something like swaros. After spending all that money on something like that, I would be afraid to take them with me all the time in fear of losing them at some point.
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