NEW SITKA Ambient 75

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  1. R

    WY Price Hike Implications

    Application strategy articles are starting to come out. While I’m very unluck, I like to contribute to conservation and love buying a few months of hope to keep my mind occupied. What will the steep price increase do to tag demand in WY? The obvious impact is a large shift in applications from...
  2. R

    Favorite Pronghorn States

    What is your favorite state or states to hunt pronghorn, and what makes a great pronghorn hunt for you? I’ve started building points across the Rockies and cant wait to hit the sage or grasslands. I hope my planning can make it an annual occurrence. There are clearly differences in...
  3. R

    Wyoming Tag Split Process

    How does Wyoming split a low level of tags between regular and special? For example let’s say NR get 5 tags. How many are regular and how many are special? Would any be random or would all go by preference point level?
  4. R

    Happy Easter

    i wish everyone a Happy Easter and successful application season!
  5. R

    Daughter’s First Turkey

    My daughter made an awesome shot on her first turkey this morning!!!!