NEW SITKA Ambient 75

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  1. F

    What kinda calls

    I see lots of western guys here. I’ve never hunted turkey out west. I believe a longbox might be a standard call. It always is anymore anyway but for 30 plus years I’d used mainly a mouth call. Since 2000s I’ve used some pots, last 10-15 scratchers are a perhaps most commonly used call. Anyone...
  2. F

    I’ve got a question

    Fellas I’m not criticizing the forum but the hounds thing strikes me as “off”. Most the posts are not about hounds but dogs. Why do we use hounds instead of dogs? Wouldn’t a dogs forum be cool, than pointers, flushers, hounds, retrievers could be sub forums? I hope no one takes that...
  3. F

    Lotta memories

    My daughters are home from college this week. We’ll be following some rabbit hounds tomo. I was laying items out checking guns. Need refinishing but lots memories in these. Browning 525 28ga, Beretta Silver Pigeon 686 28ga, part of a 20/28 ga set, Beretta 685 20ga. If guns could talk
  4. F

    Doesn’t anyone hunt rabbit dogs

    I didn’t go real far back but I haven’t seen much about it. I run dogs year round multiple times a week but only when the main deer season is over do I hunt them. Getting ready to start. I run line control medium speed dogs. Similar to the older spo type dogs. Got two Paul’s Old Stage Jr...
  5. F

    Scent washes away in rain

    I bet anyone with any experience at all, even some listening to others have heard how rain washes scent away. It’s been said a lot. Enough it prob should be true, but is it? Fellas dogs aren’t deer so it’s not an exact comparison but I’m pretty sure they smell in a similar manner. Hounds run in...
  6. F

    Christmas is Coming

    Christmas is coming and with it thoughts of buying first bows and guns actually for a child. We need to start them right and make things easy as possible given the day and age. I’m not condoning anything super easy I’m referring to using the correct eye, bows should never be assumed they should...
  7. F


    So I decided I wanted a short bow for stand hunting once in a while. Bought a 70s I believe KMag. Great shape. 52” at 50lbs. It’s marked 52lbs under rest. Put a nocking point on it, changed the silencers and went out to my deck with 3 arrows. I dropped one so never got to shoot it, anyhow...
  8. F

    Women in the outdoors

    Ladies I hope it’s ok I post anything here and I’m not out of line stepping into your area. I was wondering or perhaps suggesting, my state has a pretty successful women in the outdoors program. They host duck hunts, turkey hunts, deer hunts. Canoe, hike adventures. Oftentimes some of the...
  9. F

    Didn’t need another

    I’ve got lots bows but the third Robertson Primal Styx, Love them bows. Came today while I was busy with a few things. Man I’m half tempted to bring it tomo but though it shot good I’d like to shoot it little more first.
  10. F

    Pretty cool deer

    My uncle passed last year. I was working at his son, my cousins house and wouldnt accept payment except lunch. He goes into the next room an come out w his pops old Bear. Asked if I’d kill a deer w it. Last night was the first chance I got to get out, first 45 mins I saw 4 does, this one w a...
  11. F

    Another consideration whoa

    Many have extravagant ideas about training whoa. I’m big on a dog having manners. This teaches control, manners, and whoa. You get a dog he’s a pup, say he’s a house dog, that’s even better. In the morning you get up, bring him outside. Upon wanting to go back in he’s taught whoa. Once he...
  12. F

    Imo one of the most important bird dog commands

    Ok guys I’m gonna say something no one talks about. The most important command. Here, whoa, fetch, hip, whatever you train your dog to do or how it’s done isn’t as important as having the dog take your direction. Whoa for instance is easy, do is here, fetch, whatever. They have a reward, the...
  13. F

    First year Bowhunting

    Thought of something that might be interesting. I’m big on mentoring and helping others. I bet there’s someone reading along about to embark on a first year. Or It could even be a hunter who’s dabbled along yet still unsuccessful a year or so. Let’s help em. This is a two sided thought, it’d be...
  14. F

    Shaking my head

    I’m hesitant to tell this story, no one knows me but this is no fish story. I kinda can’t believe it myself. Just wanted to share. My buddies Tony n Rob I’ve known over 30 years. I might be a meathead, Tony though a super meathead. He did something here I don’t think would cross my mind or the...
  15. F

    Practice for hunting

    I’m basically speaking to the newer folks but the old hands realize we need to practice like we’re gonna hunt. Wearing a hat, gloves, jacket, etc. If you hunt from a tree, blind, plan on stalking whatever it is shoot that way. Here’s something not many think about. As a newer hunter if often...
  16. F

    New Member

    Hey guys. Guess I’m new here. Actually never heard of the forum. Was running rabbit dogs earlier, sitting, listening and searched for something and you all came up. Figured it couldn’t hurt to try. Im a hunter ed instructor, archery instructor, NWTF mentor and was a full time school trained...

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