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  1. np307

    Live from the Cutover -- The 2nd Annual Poor-Boys-Public-Land-Hunt-Club New Year's Day Deer Drive

    Last year, a buddy and I went on the last day of our season and did some deer driving. It was only the two of us, so we had pretty limited success but we did manage to jump a couple deer. No shots were fired though. This year, we decided to give it another go but to invite more people so that...
  2. np307

    Poor folks supper

    Just like my meatloaf sammich thread, I'm curious as to whether this term/dish is a southern thing or a general American thing. I believe this one is a true southern staple, so here we go. Do you know what a poor folks supper is? I'll let the thread breathe a little then I'll post a picture.
  3. np307

    Blowhards, blowing winds, and bashful bucks

    We left NC at 0545 Thursday, 10/12. The Subaru was loaded down for my buddy and I to spend a week in a low point WY mule deer region. For the first time since we started hunting out West together, both of us had a buck tag. Neither of us had hunted mule deer before, so we knew this trip was...
  4. np307

    Section of BLM camping restricted?

    Buddy and I rolled in to WY yesterday for our mule deer tag. Never been to this area before, saw a section of BLM on the map that looked like it would work for camp. Rolled in after dark and set up camp on a little corner that crossed a paved road. Set up off the road but still on BLM, no signs...
  5. np307

    A long time coming

    My wife and I were just about in a spot to be able to buy a house in 2020 when the market blew up. Over the summer we had made it a big matter of prayer, asking the Lord to open the door for us to buy the house we have been renting. A few weeks ago I called the homeowner and as of this afternoon...
  6. np307

    Ramshot Big Game Powder

    I switched over this year from IMR4064 to Big Game for my 30-06. So far I've been extremely happy. I've found it to meter very consistently and it produced adequate (1.5 MOA) groups with both 130 gr TTSX and 168 gr TTSX. I settled on the 168s and with a near max charge those things are...
  7. np307

    PSA: Turnpike's new album dropped today

    Sounds great on my first listen through. "The Rut" is my early new favorite, "Brought Me" is my favorite from the singles they dropped.
  8. np307

    I had an epiphany and joined the dark side

    I realized that I don't actually care about bowhunting, I just do it because it gives us an extra 2 months of hunting here. So I bought a crossbow. I now expect to fill all my tags in the first 2 weeks of the season. What other gear should I acquire to fully embrace my new dirt bag style?
  9. np307

    A New Adventure

    Propelled by plenty of OT pay last week, my wife, son, and I took off today to one of the best parts of NC that I haven't really explored. The Outer Banks are kind of a long haul from where we live but we decided to try it out for our vacation this year. It's a much welcome break from a busy few...
  10. np307

    Feast and Famine

    Though my season has been chronicled in other threads, I felt it worthy enough to write at some length. Thanks for indulging me. In the realm of experienced turkey hunters, I'm still admittedly on the fringe. I've killed a handful of birds and logged plenty of miles but there are significant...
  11. np307

    Important Cultural Survey

    Alright, I made a venison meatloaf Monday so that means my lunch every day at work this week has been a meatloaf sandwich. This has spawned some discussions as to the regional presence of this delicacy across the country. Please respond in this thread with your region of the country to help...
  12. np307

    Figured this one was worth its own thread

    Squirrel and dumplings with cornbread. Carry on.
  13. np307


    Love finding out the AC needs a February. 830 at night.
  14. np307

    A North Carolina Fox Squirrel Hunt

    One of my hunting goals this year was to squirrel hunt more. Truth be told, I like squirrel hunting more than deer hunting. Deer are, for me, a pursuit of food. I enjoy it, but primarily because we will eat on the deer all year long. For years, that fact has blockaded squirrel hunting from...
  15. np307

    Some giant bears killed this year in NC

    Coastal NC is known for some huge bears. Several giants have been killed in the last few weeks. For those who want to know, unprocessed food is allowed as bait but a bear cannot be killed while consuming bait. Dogs are also legal in most of bear country. I don't know any of the shooters but just...
  16. np307

    A new challenge

    One thing that separates hunting in NC from a lot of the South is our relative absence of hogs. We have them, but not nearly as bad as many place further south. However, there are a few sections of the state that have them on public lands. These areas aren't a secret and get pretty heavy...
  17. np307

    3 day kinda live hunt near home

    I love the West and all the hunting opportunities it has to offer, and I love reading about everyone else's adventures on here as well. This isn't that though. This is my attempt at documenting 3 days of typical hunting near where I live in NC. All public land. Today and tomorrow I'm trying 2...
  18. np307

    For the first time in 10 years

    I'm below 215. I had gotten up to around 240 in 2020 and decided to work on dropping weight before elk hunting in 2021. Got down to around 220 and got complacent. Bounced around 225 and then this spring decided to get serious about cutting weight again. Haven't been this weight since high...
  19. np307

    Well now I'm just going to Subaru even harder

    Would've been nice to have these frog gigging the other night.