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  1. B

    Boulder Hunting Ban

    Just saw this one in a BHA email. Thanks for highlighting this. As goes Boulder….. so goes Colorado. They have the current Governor and may have the next. I just wish the Boulder anti-gun, anti-hunting zealots would be honest. Just admit that you despise gun owners and hunters and you are...
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    CSF Webinar: At The Tipping Point – Misguided Efforts to Reform Wildlife Management

    Please join CSF this Thursday at 3 PM Eastern for a discussion on efforts to restrict the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and the benefits that hunters and anglers bring to the perpetuation of wildlife and wildlife habitat conservation. This panel discussion will look at the...
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    Colorado “Managing Wildlife in an Era of Mutualism.” Saw this article talking about Colorado moving its wildlife management into an “era of mutualism” due to changing values in the state. “societal values toward wildlife have...
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    CPW votes to remove lethal means from wolf plan CPW commission just voted to remove lethal means and phase 4 hunting of wolves from the draft reintroduction plan. I think we all saw this coming with Polis and ProgressNow packing the commission. Next...
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    CPW Commission Appointments

    Recommend CO residents check this out and contact CO State Senators. This could lead us to the tragic situation we are seeing play out in Washington state. Snow day so I am calling and emailing CO state senators on the Ag and Natural Resources Committee...
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    Wolf plan mired by Colorado politics

    Good article from former CPW chair. Recommend Colorado folks comment on the plan and reach out to the commission. Unfortunately, elections have consequences...
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    Not the elk too!

    Just gonna leave this here..... Standing by for right-wing outrage and incoherent left-wing justification.

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