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  1. VikingsGuy

    NFL Draft Predictions - a pointless game, but at least it has a $$ prize for the winner

    Time to lighten things up. Here’s the deal. Pick the first ten players drafted in order in the upcoming NFL draft and by which team. Winner gets a $50 gift card. One chance per user. Picks have to be posted on this thread by noon central on Thursday April 25th. My determination of...
  2. VikingsGuy

    An abomination (and a parental warning)

    I suggest parents keep their kids off the “plus” feature of snap chat. Can you imagine the toll this will take on teen well being? What evil/clueless asshat launches this “feature” in 2024? Time for the pitchforks and torches folks...
  3. VikingsGuy

    Texas provides the solution I hope his VP running mate is “F*ck U. All”.
  4. VikingsGuy

    How much is too much . . . .

    In a sister thread I asked how many firearms causes you to think a guy might be a little off his rocker. What about ammo?
  5. VikingsGuy

    How many is too many . . . .

    The news always has the "man with arsenal arrested" and then down the page it says the the guy has a dozen or so. That's ridiculous - for a sportsman that is hardly a big number. On the other hand, if you are not an intentional collector/investor, there is probably a number where a guy has a...
  6. VikingsGuy

    So very true . . .

    Sorry in advance for the paywall, but this is a great reminder of a sentiment a small group of folks like Thomas Sowell and Charles Murray have been trying to remind us of. This doesn't have to be about politics or race - this is about how the wealthiest 1% (D or R, black or white) separate...
  7. VikingsGuy

    We are fighting the last war . . . .

    While the obvious TwitterX wedge issues are in full burn, we are fighting the last war - building battleships in 1935 at the expense of aircraft carriers so to speak. Before I start - ask yourself - am I blue collar labor or white collar labor? A simple way to answer that question for the...
  8. VikingsGuy

    A timely lament . . .

    I don't know this guy, not sure he and I would agree about much in the political arena, but do feel like we could share a beer and not throw punches or resort to name calling. Having one foot in hard scrabble ND childhood/youth and one foot in the "educated elite" as a professional, I have...
  9. VikingsGuy

    Ramsey debt viewpoint explained

    A while back I participated in a thread about whether Dave Ramsey was irrational in his approach to debt. I couldn't find that thread, so started this one. I just saw an interview with him about this very point. He acknowledged that as a trained finance guy debt is a reasonable part of...
  10. VikingsGuy

    Can we at least all agree . . .

    That back in the 70s and 80s the "Itzaball" footballs were far superior to Nerf footballs. There can be no serious debate.
  11. VikingsGuy

    So, it comes to this . . .

    You know it is all over when we start having "how to use Tinder" continuing education classes. ;)
  12. VikingsGuy

    The game is changing

    Not to focus on blue-team/red-team BS, but genAI is going to call into question every picture/video we see and all the audio we hear. Given how thoughtfully and carefully we have managed the dangers of the internet and social media to date, I am certain we will handle this wonderfully. I also...
  13. VikingsGuy

    Even British economists are thinking about Grizzlies
  14. VikingsGuy

    One example of buying public access to the outdoors
  15. VikingsGuy

    Sure signs of summer in your area

    A sure sign summer has come in suburban MN is that folks are already b$tching about the sound of freedom (fireworks). Bunch of nansie pansies (been watch too much Denny Crane lately on Hulu). What sure sign of summer pops in your neck of the woods after Mem Day?
  16. VikingsGuy

    Obscure go to band

    Despite having hundreds of curated playlists, 95% of the time I am on a long flight I listen to my QuietDrive playlist - 4h 3m of every song they ever released in order of release. A local Hopkins, MN band I have loved from the beginning, but never really caught on. What is your go to band no...
  17. VikingsGuy


    Mrs. VG and I will find ourselves in Vietnam next March (and kid free for the first time in decades). Any HTers have any experience with resorts in Vietnam? Recommendations?
  18. VikingsGuy

    Polaris UTV negotiation

    I am in the process of negotiating out the door price on a new Polaris Ranger 1000. Both dealers have given me the pretty much a standard msrp + shipping + processing + doc fees + prep fees number. One did give me 10% off on the “attachments” (front/rear windows, top & winch). We are talking...
  19. VikingsGuy

    FREE NFL Pool (only takes 2 minutes to compete)

    OK - here goes. This is FREE to play, but winner gets $75 prize. It is meant to be fun so let's not argue too much about the details. Each HT user who enters must pick (1) the final regular season record of their single favorite NFL team, AND (2) the final regular season record of their...
  20. VikingsGuy

    Yet Another Reminder

    Another example that paying 1-3% to have folks pick stock winners for you (or trying to pick for yourself) is a losing game. Buying low cost/load broad index funds/ETFs are 99.9% of the time the best investment advice there is. For fifty years every serious study has shown that you can’t beat...

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