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  1. G

    Beginner Guide to Reloading - What equipment did you upgrade early on?

    So I'm going to be taking the plunge into reloading starting from absolute scratch. No equipment or knowledge on how to do it other than basic rifle and ballistic knowledge needed to use a hunting rifle(and of course what i've picked up through osmosis reading through HT). As I'm doing my...
  2. G

    Arizona Unit 23 Late Archery Elk

    I'll be solo hunting Arizona Unit 23 late archery elk this fall (2023). If any Hunttalkers are looking for someone to share camp with and/or to have someone close by with your contact information to help your family back at home feel more comfortable, don't hesitate to reach out. I know my...
  3. G

    Question about road conditions in the Flattops

    So I got a super cheap flight into denver for a scouting trip of an OTC Archery Zone so I'm heading that way this weekend for 4 days. I'm doing some scouting of some trailheads to park at and hike in for a couple of overnight campouts/scouting missions and had a question about some of the road...
  4. G

    Looking for hunting partner(s): Looking for a hunting partner for individual hunts/states or all around person/group to match up with

    So my father is aging out of being able to accompany me out west each year and my children are too young yet. I'm looking for a hunting partner, essentially, for anyplace I can draw a tag; antlerless or antlered. The people I hunt with here in Michigan that are getting into western hunting are...
  5. G

    Last Minute Search for a Merriam in NW Nebraska; Looking for recommendations for a camping spot.

    So about a week ago my wife and job both gave me the clear to take an extra long weekend to go turkey hunting. I decided to go on a "toss a dart at a map" type hunt in search of my first Merriams with only a weeks worth of planning. I did the standard gohunt/onx searches for public land, but...
  6. G

    Training Books/Resources for 99.9% couch potato 0.1% hunting dog

    So we just got a new pet for the family and kids. But, because the dog has the name Retriever in it I thought I would look to try to give some basic hunting training a go for the 1-2 duck hunts per year I go on and the maybe 1 upland hunt per year as the previous three dogs we have had have all...
  7. G

    Where to Buy OTC Archery Tag after start of season?

    So I'm taking a last-minute(ish) trip for OTC archery in CO and I procrastinated on buying the tag before the start of season and when I saw the warning online that it was going to take up to 21 business days for the mail I just figured I would buy the tag once I got to Colorado. But I...
  8. G

    Authorization for multiple transactions on CC for Arizona Draw

    I didn't want to muddy up the Arizona CC thread but had a question I wanted to ask about the CC authorizations for the draw processing tomorrow. I know it is recommended to call your CC company to authorize the transactions to prevent them from being denied and then not getting your tag. With...
  9. G

    Euro mount pronghorn?

    After reading the bugs vs. bury threads and seeing Buzz's foolproof instructions for boiling and cleaning the head I think I am back on the bandwagon for doing it myself instead of sending it out to a taxi to get it done. My only question is what do you have to do to the "sheathes"? I've heard...
  10. G

    Wonder what I clicked on or searched for

    to get an add to show up that thinks I am a Spanish speaking women that needs hair removal products?
  11. G

    Proof of sex

    So the talk about the guy getting his elk revoked after not tagging it immediately had some additional conversation that I thought warranted a new thread. While I know the rules are different from state to state I had a question about interpreting Wyoming's proof of sex rules. In the regs it...
  12. G

    Powerbelts or Sabots?

    So I pulled the trigger on the new .50 cal. Cheaper than dirt had it the cheapest and they are gonna ship it to me. My question is this: Should I stick with the powerbelts or get sabots? Obviously powerbelts are more expensive but from what I’ve read, they don’t deposit the plastic from the...
  13. G

    Why doesn't everyone just get the General Tag???

    So, I may have some things messed up or just might be uninformed on this topic, but I'm having a hard time figuring out why anyone who is hunting elk in Wyoming just wouldn't get the general tag. Here is the scenario I'm painting for myself. 2+ years ago when I started to plan to start...
  14. G

    No lot numbers on Federal Fusion???

    So I just received 3 boxes of Federal Fusion .308 from a place that I ordered from online. The weird thing about them is that none of the boxes have lot numbers on them. Is this something that has been happening to other people? I have two boxes that I bought last year from a big box store...
  15. G

    Where to go from here?

    So my father and I have been planning and dreaming about a western elk hunt in Wyoming for the last 3-4 years. We have been putting in for preference points and we now have 3 as of this year. As a "scouting" trip we are going to go pronghorn hunting. (We tell the wives that it's a scouting...

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