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Recent content by Northwoods

  1. Northwoods

    Quetico Lakers

    A couple more
  2. Northwoods

    Quetico Lakers

    A few lake trout pictures from a quick 4 day trip to Quetico Provincial park this weekend. Sorry about the annoying gray shapes but I didn’t want to put my buddies face on the internet without permission and I didn’t figure anyone wants to see my moose knuckle.
  3. Northwoods

    Suck for these people.

    I’m packing for a quick fishing trip in the Quetico Provincial Park and thought of these fellas when I just found a couple of .308 cartridges in the bottom corner of my pack. Canada would not lock me up for 12 years of hard time if I had brought them with but they could give me a hefty fine and...
  4. Northwoods

    Southwest Wisconsin turkey hunt

    I did have to cover some ground to find a couple of spots. Thanks.
  5. Northwoods

    Southwest Wisconsin turkey hunt

    Ridge tops were the ticket, thanks.
  6. Northwoods

    Southwest Wisconsin turkey hunt

    This was solid advice. Thanks.
  7. Northwoods

    2024 Turkey Season!

    My cinco de mayo bird from Wisconsin’s bluff country. What a beautiful part of the country! I worked hard for this bird. I had never hunted the area before and had no idea where to start looking. I was blessed with a dandy. This is the first time I shot a Tom older than 2, I started turkey...
  8. Northwoods

    Spring snows

    I covet your duck and goose spot every time you post some pictures.
  9. Northwoods

    Cinnamon Teal

    Great shots! Thanks for sharing.
  10. Northwoods

    2024 Turkey Season!

    Heck yeah! Bigger than the 2 year old Tom’s that I shoot.
  11. Northwoods

    Platte river issues

    There have been several studies done on barbless hooks. There is not a significant difference in delayed mortality rates when using barbless hooks. In fact, some studies have shown higher mortality rates with barbless hooks. I don’t have any answers but I think the way a fish is handled is...
  12. Northwoods

    2024 Turkey Season!

    My Minnesota hunt lasted about 10 minutes this year. I’m sure I’ll make up for it in Wisconsin in two weeks.
  13. Northwoods

    Hope today gets better

    Missed shots, flat tires, can’t draw a tag, that’s the life of a hunter I’m telling ya, that’s the life of a hunter. I think I just wrote the chorus to song.
  14. Northwoods

    Its a mad mad world!

    The world (or at least the western world) has been infused with stupidity. Nothing really surprises me anymore.
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