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Recent content by LIK2HNT

  1. LIK2HNT

    I give up

    The dams have already been built. Emissions from when they were built are irrelevant now. What about all the pollution to remove them? What are the actual emissions created from running these hydro plants now. That’s all that matters. This climate warming now change BS is getting old.
  2. LIK2HNT

    Inexpensive Camera Shots

    Great color in those photos
  3. LIK2HNT

    Let Them Roam - A Bison Yarn

    Great write up and story, thanks. Makes me want to use my 25 Utah bison points on a cow hunt, since I will never draw a bull tag. So @Bluffgruff what was wrong with your truck? Or did I miss it?
  4. LIK2HNT

    Let Them Roam - A Bison Yarn

    Great adventure so far. Waiting for the next chapter. You have a packer on speed dial to help pack out the meat?
  5. LIK2HNT


    Just make sure where you have it frozen that they have a flash freezer. You want it frozen solid.
  6. LIK2HNT

    DIY silnylon

    Nice looking set up
  7. LIK2HNT

    New Zealand Roar Hunt 2024

    Looks fun. This a DIY hunt, or a guided hunt? Wife wants to plan a trip there. If we go I would like to do some hunting.
  8. LIK2HNT

    Good job Wayne

    There are other pro gun organizations (state level) etc to support if you do not support the NRA. I have been off and on with the NRA. A few things I have not like about them. But the big picture is you need to support some groups that fight for our gun and hunting rights. Our local range...
  9. LIK2HNT

    More free books

    Use to be something about calling then a text book or something that got a great shipping rate. But that was a long time ago. Seems like most items cost 10 times to return than you paid to have it shipped to you. That’s why Amazon is so popular.
  10. LIK2HNT


    A lot of dedication there. Sort of like hand loading. Looks great!!
  11. LIK2HNT

    Future of 401ks

    Don’t worry, two to three years ago I was losing more a month than the guys working for me made in a year. You just have to hold on. Things cycle.
  12. LIK2HNT

    Future of 401ks

    Most People nowadays do not want to save. They want to spend their money due to all the social media impact and the thought that they are missing something. Few years ago a lady in the office asked me how I afforded to own multiple rental houses. She rented and could not afford to purchase a...
  13. LIK2HNT

    Future of 401ks

    We are not losing population. We are losing the working population. 🤣🤣🤣
  14. LIK2HNT

    Future of 401ks

    Keep up the good work. Glad to see someone doing it.
  15. LIK2HNT

    Future of 401ks

    Another government bs issue. How come an agency can invest their pension plan in the stock market, and then raise sales tax to cover their loss? And leave that tax in place long after they recouped their losses. My losses in ‘08 were my burden alone, and mine to figure out how to reinvest. No...