Kenetrek Boots

Recent content by Hem

  1. Hem

    Montana’s best steaks

    Better since they put some sound dampener in there.
  2. Hem

    Montana’s best steaks

    Costco ribeye cooked on my grill. A fraction of cost, better end result.
  3. Hem

    EPA hated Gas Can

    Mine leaks around the base. But still works good enough.🤣
  4. Hem

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    1942 few decades before my time, but as a kid we did hay in similar fashion. Fond(?)memories of pitching hay bales, itchy, scratchy, bugs eating us alive, hot and humid.
  5. Hem

    Rifle setup is to scope as fly rod set up is to _____.

    Are you thinking 9' or 10'?
  6. Hem

    Catch All Fishing Thread

    Ms. Baron is one of two people allowed to say y'all.
  7. Hem

    2022 Heritage Season

    The glory blackpowder boom aside, when the smoke clears you'll be asking which way did the forky run?
  8. Hem

    Catch All Fishing Thread

    No confusion. The technique fascinates me. It's pretty cool. Maybe one day.
  9. Hem

    Catch All Fishing Thread

    Pretty cool. Honestly. But not certain what the skill factor is sticking your hand in a box.
  10. Hem


    Dallas needs some bear spray.
  11. Hem


    Who playing bad azz basketball?
  12. Hem

    2022 Heritage Season

    What brand is your firearm? Not certain I can defile my current .50 cal with a sight similar to the above, but I could easily consider a whole new setup. 😏
  13. Hem

    I may be getting old...

    It's confirmed when on a regular basis you can't find chit and it's right under your nose.
  14. Hem

    2022 Heritage Season

    Might have to go that route, vision marginal for buckhorn sights recently. You guys better wear two coon skin hats at once to get things back on track with traditional/ heritage.
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